Please don't vote for McCain


Active Member
This election is shaping up to go the completely wrong way. Not that I'm surprised because the voters rarely make the right decision.
It looks like McCain is the front-runner for the republicans and Obama appears to be in the lead for the democratic nomination. Unfortunately, as bright and well spoken as Obama is, he has virtually no chance of winning the presidency. This country is still too short sighted to elect a black president with a muslim sounding name. Even if the rejection is not overtly prejudicial, there will be millions who will subconsciously reject this candidate and create justifications for doing so.
So my prediction is that we will end up with another "shoot first, ask questions later" president. McCain will exacerbate the war, probably extend it into Iraq and, maybe Syria, and lead this country in the wrong direction. All the while, the blue collar Americans will be losing their sons, losing their jobs and their minimal dollars will continue to lose value.
The economic downturn in this country is not the typical peaks/valley pattern that is common with the economy. We are heading towards a recession based on poor decisions being made (actually Michigan is already in a recession).
Please people, I emplore you to stop making bad decisions in our voting. I don't care if the next president is republican or democrat, black or white or anything else. But let's stop electing the big name, old boys network, ego-maniacs who do nothing for the American people. Don't elect McCain, don't elect Giuliani. There are better choices.
For entertainment value only...


Active Member
any reasonable person wouldnt vote for mccain.
the only reason you should vote for him is if hillary is the dem nominee.
mccain has done nothing more than stab his party in the back since losing to Bush in '00.
this year, there is only one person worthy of the oval office, and he's a longshot- huckabee.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
any reasonable person wouldnt vote for mccain.
the only reason you should vote for him is if hillary is the dem nominee.
mccain has done nothing more than stab his party in the back since losing to Bush in '00.
this year, there is only one person worthy of the oval office, and he's a longshot- huckabee.
Personally I'm don't want someone legislating from the Bible in office either, but I wouldn't vote for McCain unless, like you, it was a contest between he and Hillary.


Originally Posted by crimzy
There are better choices.
Sadly, I did not like ANY of the choices on ANY side at any point of the runup to the election. Oh and don't confuse the president with the king. The president can't really do anything without congressional approval. That's really where the changes need to be made. Stop voting in the same old guys if you want change. Just because they're good for your state doesn't mean they're good for the country as a whole.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
This election is shaping up to go the completely wrong way. Not that I'm surprised because the voters rarely make the right decision.
It looks like McCain is the front-runner for the republicans and Obama appears to be in the lead for the democratic nomination. Unfortunately, as bright and well spoken as Obama is, he has virtually no chance of winning the presidency. This country is still too short sighted to elect a black president with a muslim sounding name. Even if the rejection is not overtly prejudicial, there will be millions who will subconsciously reject this candidate and create justifications for doing so.
So my prediction is that we will end up with another "shoot first, ask questions later" president. McCain will exacerbate the war, probably extend it into Iraq and, maybe Syria, and lead this country in the wrong direction. All the while, the blue collar Americans will be losing their sons, losing their jobs and their minimal dollars will continue to lose value.
The economic downturn in this country is not the typical peaks/valley pattern that is common with the economy. We are heading towards a recession based on poor decisions being made (actually Michigan is already in a recession).
Please people, I emplore you to stop making bad decisions in our voting. I don't care if the next president is republican or democrat, black or white or anything else. But let's stop electing the big name, old boys network, ego-maniacs who do nothing for the American people. Don't elect McCain, don't elect Giuliani. There are better choices.
For entertainment value only...
I think we're allready in Iraq. I could be wrong though.
McCain definitely isn't my first choice, but he's better than the alternative.


Active Member
I think he meant iran, Which i think will happen with mcain. He used to be a democrat, now he is a liberal in a republican suit. He is war monger, another bush.
I voted for ron paul. I am a conservitave and i would vote for obama before i vote for mcain.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
I think we're allready in Iraq. I could be wrong though.
My how pedantic of you to scrutinize the minutia of semantical detail to find some microscopic misstatement rather than acknowledge the true content. Who am I, the South Carolina beauty pagent contestant?
Anyway, just chew on this for a while. Maybe you can make your day and find a typo in this reply.


Active Member
I won't be voting for McCain. I will be voting against Obama or Hillary.
Any "Conservative" will do the same...McCain is wrong on a lot of issues, but he's less wrong than either of them.
*McCain won't cut and run
*McCain will be more likely to appoint judges who can, and have, read the Constitution and believe in it.
*McCain won't gut our helath care
*McCain won't try to gut our Democracy and put a bow on Socialism
*McCain won't allow terrorists to attack us without responding appropriately
Obama and Hillary will cut and run and we'll have 8 more years of Clintonesque foreign policy that got us into the War against Terrorism in the first place.
People keep forgetting Saddam had 6 months and 17 UN Resolutions to avoid war. Saddam failed to comply. Saddam kept attacking Allied fighters in the No Fly Zone, etc. The War in Iraq was Saddam's fault
Your statement about the economy is completely false. Your statement about the "blue collars" losing their sons is baseless, and from your previous positions to say you don't care if the next President is a Democrat or Republican is laughable.
McCain wasn't my first choice, but he's the best choice between the two (whoever the two ends up being).


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
My how pedantic of you to scrutinize the minutia of semantical detail to find some microscopic misstatement rather than acknowledge the true content. Who am I, the South Carolina beauty pagent contestant?
Anyway, just chew on this for a while. Maybe you can make your day and find a typo in this reply.

Don't get your panties in a knot.


Active Member
yea, i'll be voting for mccain...
no offense, but neither democrat really has all that much experience in the political field. hilary shopped around for the easiest state she could win a seat at, and obama's only been a senator for what, 2 years?

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
any reasonable person wouldnt vote for mccain.
the only reason you should vote for him is if hillary is the dem nominee.
mccain has done nothing more than stab his party in the back since losing to Bush in '00.
this year, there is only one person worthy of the oval office, and he's a longshot- huckabee.

To you guys complaining about legislating from the Bible in office: Did you know that our Constitution was based off of the Bible?
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
- John Adams


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
Personally I'm don't want someone legislating from the Bible in office either, but I wouldn't vote for McCain unless, like you, it was a contest between he and Hillary.

kennedy was a big deal because of his religion, and i dont remember reading about him legislating from the bible.


Active Member

Originally Posted by crimzy
My how pedantic of you to scrutinize the minutia of semantical detail to find some microscopic misstatement rather than acknowledge the true content
Yea, you inflicting your opinion onto others. Yea, thanks!


Originally Posted by m0nk
Personally I'm don't want someone legislating from the Bible in office either, but I wouldn't vote for McCain unless, like you, it was a contest between he and Hillary.

We all have personall beliefs, mine are based on religion. Asking a person not to vote for someone running for office, because of you own beliefs, would justify dictation. This country was based on democracy from religion. Some think the bible is just a book full of old folk stories, others know the truth. I am just expressiong my personnal beliefs. I do not want to get into a religious debate, however, once the government takes God completely out of our nation, we are all in for an awakening. I too would only vote for McCain if it were an election against Hillary. Otherwise, Im a Huckabee.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I won't be voting for McCain. I will be voting against Obama or Hillary.
Any "Conservative" will do the same...McCain is wrong on a lot of issues, but he's less wrong than either of them.
*McCain won't cut and run
*McCain will be more likely to appoint judges who can, and have, read the Constitution and believe in it.
*McCain won't gut our helath care
*McCain won't try to gut our Democracy and put a bow on Socialism
*McCain won't allow terrorists to attack us without responding appropriately
Obama and Hillary will cut and run and we'll have 8 more years of Clintonesque foreign policy that got us into the War against Terrorism in the first place.
People keep forgetting Saddam had 6 months and 17 UN Resolutions to avoid war. Saddam failed to comply. Saddam kept attacking Allied fighters in the No Fly Zone, etc. The War in Iraq was Saddam's fault
Your statement about the economy is completely false. Your statement about the "blue collars" losing their sons is baseless, and from your previous positions to say you don't care if the next President is a Democrat or Republican is laughable.
McCain wasn't my first choice, but he's the best choice between the two (whoever the two ends up being).

You're right, McCain will not leave this war. If we are to believe him, this war will continue for the next 100 years.
Wow journey, your staunch conservativism (or should I say blind conservativism) is pretty surprising. You demean any effort to end the war by concluding that it is "cut and running". You talk about appointing judges who will uphold the constitution when your hero, Bush, has made a concerted effort to appoint judge's who want to overturn Roe v. Wade. The reality is that, if you were having this conversation 50 years ago, you'd be discussing the need to overturn Brown v. Board of Education and upholding the fallacy of "separate but equal" philosophy.
Your argument is full of unsupported conclusions. (1) To my knowledge Obama has not raised any proposed extreme health care reform like Hillary, (2) SOCIAL PROGRAMS DO NOT EQUAL SOCIALISM. There is a big difference if you can see past your party line.
You now blame the war on Saddam (not terrorism as was your previous arguments). However, Saddam was captured in the first year of the war.
What is false about my concerns about the economy? Are you so biased that you don't see the conditions of employment, the US dollar and the $250 per month that every family is required to donate to the war effort?
As to your comment about my desire to have a republican or democrat president, you clearly have so much blind faith in Bush that anyone who challenges him must be a democrat, or a socialist. I'm telling you that you would have loved the 50's... you'd probably have a front row seat to the McCarthy hearings. Not that it matters, but just so you know, my opinions on various issues extends through the spectrum of conservative to liberal. I am smart enough that I don't need to label myself "democrat" or "republican" and support candidates accordingly. I have voted both ways. However I disagree vehemently with the mistakes of our current president and I also disagree with McCain's philosophies. So, if it is easier to call me a democrat or communist, than to open your mind to criticism of "your party leaders" then go ahead. That's ok with me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Threed240
however, once the government takes God completely out of our nation, we are all in for an awakening.
i have to agree with you.
although i was raised a catholic, i took on the belief that all religion is garbage and nothing more than mind control and big business- again, my personal belief. i would never push that upon somebody.
now, that being said, this country was founded because of religion. people were being force-fed religion, and the pilgrims had enough of it.
now, to me, God could be the "supreme being" in any religion- judism (sp), Jesus's father, mohammed, etc. every religion has a prophet or god. "one nation under god" doesnt tell you what god or who's god it is. it is a broad term. if you think you are a god, thats fine- this covers you as well.
imo, this country has become so overy sensitive to individual rights, instead of the mass population. why is it that a national flag salute (pre-amble) is under criticism because of one man's protest? why is it our currancy is under fire "in god we trust" because of one man's protest?
if your choice of religion is "athiesm" or "agnostic", why is your religion more important than say, a catholic's religion ?
several things are status quo, and should remain that way for historic preservation:
a) capital is in wash, dc
b) in god we trust is on the money
c) one nation, under god is part of the pre-amble
d) delaware was the first state
i never want somebody preaching their religion to me. nor would i preach it upon them.
but to change things that define our history, to me, is selfish and unpatriotic.
God bless you all...


Gaaad, I hate election time.
My mom tells me that Obama served in the Iraqi army, and is muslim. Although I find as many articles to say it's true as say it's not.
Individual issues can be knit picked all day so I don't vote based on the opinion of a candidates individual issues. But I wanna be sure were not offering this job to a sleeper cell before I even consider him.
lemme google more


they both have myspace accounts!
I musta been living under a rock!! Presidential candidates with myspace!! I think that's hilarious!
Wonder if they created them they're selves...hmmm


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
i have to agree with you.
although i was raised a catholic, i took on the belief that all religion is garbage and nothing more than mind control and big business- again, my personal belief. i would never push that upon somebody.
now, that being said, this country was founded because of religion. people were being force-fed religion, and the pilgrims had enough of it.
now, to me, God could be the "supreme being" in any religion- judism (sp), Jesus's father, mohammed, etc. every religion has a prophet or god. "one nation under god" doesnt tell you what god or who's god it is. it is a broad term. if you think you are a god, thats fine- this covers you as well.
imo, this country has become so overy sensitive to individual rights, instead of the mass population. why is it that a national flag salute (pre-amble) is under criticism because of one man's protest? why is it our currancy is under fire "in god we trust" because of one man's protest?
if your choice of religion is "athiesm" or "agnostic", why is your religion more important than say, a catholic's religion ?
several things are status quo, and should remain that way for historic preservation:
a) capital is in wash, dc
b) in god we trust is on the money
c) one nation, under god is part of the pre-amble
d) delaware was the first state
i never want somebody preaching their religion to me. nor would i preach it upon them.
but to change things that define our history, to me, is selfish and unpatriotic.
God bless you all...
what you don't remember is "under god" was only put in there during the, what 50's?, during the communism scare.
atheism and agnotism is becoming less and less taboo, and like gay rights, you're going to see more and more people fighting for the further seperation of state and church. the constitution MAY have been designed by church faring people, but they specifically set up the government to have seperation between church and state so there was no religeous oppression. IMO the under god needs to go away.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
You're right, McCain will not leave this war. If we are to believe him, this war will continue for the next 100 years.
Wow journey, your staunch conservativism (or should I say blind conservativism) is pretty surprising. You demean any effort to end the war by concluding that it is "cut and running".
i have to disagree with you.
war is always unpopular, but it is a necessary part of life.
cause and effect, my friend.
saddam had wmd's. there was evidence, all of congress saw the same evidence, and voted for the war. even hillary- she's on tape openly voting for war.
then, as time goes on, it starts to become unpopular. wanting to take power, the liberals start to oppose the war, and even hillary said "she never voted for it"- check the tapes from the senate floor. but god forbid channel 2,4,5,7,9,11, cnn, msnbc, ny time, washington post, ny post, etc every publish or play that.
then to go to the "general be-trayus ad" ? wtf is that? i know that we have the right to criticize our leaders and speak out against them, but this is somebody who should not be of "public scrutiny".
then the liberals go out and say "well we want a pull-out date"- this tells any terrorist that all they have to do is lay low until this date. why, on earth, would you announce a date that you are leaving? to appease those that would vote for you and put you in power?
thats like playing poker with your cards on the table face up.
so now all the hard work that is done, and the terrorists taken out, by ending the war now, was all for nothing. regardless of who is in power, come jan 09, they must stay in iraq, finish the job, then bring the troops home. even if it takes 10, 15, 20 years.
saddam has his chance to make right, and he failed to do so. he then had to pay the piper.