Please don't vote for McCain

star master

New Member
All the people downing mccain are pissing me off. I swear to god Hillary sucks and obama is nothing more than a bleeding heart liberal who sucks as well. If any one was smart they would know that mccain has the most experienc because he has been senate the longest as well as been in the military. Mccain is the only canidate who has enough balls to join the military. And hillary; give me a break she is a woman and a old one at that. You know the older women get the crankier they get as well. And obama is focussed on letting all the ***** stay after hopping the border ILLEGALY as well as give to the poor who do not work(Lazy bums) and take away from the middle class who spend their lives working as well as the rich. Thats what I have to say about that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
It's simple, Republicans aren't - If that hurts your feelings, you should challenge the Republican party not me.
Democrats have their issues with spending, I just refuse to let the Republicans go blameless and hear rhetoric that it's all the Democrats fault...
We just borrowed another $200 Billion today to give to banks to loosen lending. The current strategy of borrowing to economic prosperity is the Dumbest thing I have ever heard. Why is our dollar free falling on the world currency markets? As Mr. Obvious would say - Huh, I didn't make that connection....
Oh I'm not saying that, And ok I'll give you that you weren't arguing for the dems. And the Republicans did really

up. But you've got to judge the "lesser of 2 evils" at least the republicans have in their base the more fiscally conservative constituency vs the dems where it is the titanic heading to the ice. So their is hope.
Who to assign most of the blame to, I don't know, I tend to think about that principle in politics it is easier to help a few people alot and make everyone pay a little, then to save everyone, and have a few people really hurt. Ultimately now anyone who is in the game wants to be there for power, greed ego or whatever. (although I don't think W is, but he has to many people who are in the game surrounding him politically. and sadly they have pitched the actions reflecting that to him and he took it. Didn't work because he ticked off his conservative base. And well liberals are well liberal they hate every one with an R next to their name) I don't think there are anymore george washingtons, who are there because it needs to be done then willing to walk away. Heck look at the clintons, gore, especially, at least bush 41 went back to houston and just sky dives and watches baseball. You know those turkeys out of office get 100 grand a year to entertain themselves?


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Originally Posted by oscardeuce
How the heck you think power is generated?
Oil, coal, natural gas? Last I checked those were FOSSIL FUELS!
Small amounts of nuclear, wind solar hydroelectric.
Actually, of the three you list, pretty much just coal. We don't burn gasoline, natural gas, or any other oil derivatives for large scale power generation. Hospitals, colleges, and other have small units that can generate power from natural gas or diesel/gasoline. Yes coal is a fossil fuel per se, but its not refined into the modicum of burnable fuels that crude oil is. It would be a complete waste of a resource. Coal and crude oil are not yet synonymous.


Active Member
We should be drilling off shore. ANWAR too. We wont know for sure whats there until we go look. With the increase in demand comming from china and India alone it is important to increase domestic production and develop alternative sources.
One way would be to direct all the royalties from new offshore and ANWAR production to alternative energy development.
Coal gasification is one alternative that should be very promising. It produces a clean burning fuel that can be used in both diesel and jet engines. Like say the Humvee and tanks, Helicopters and aircraft the military uses. The government is a ready made customer for the product. Supposedly the process if financially viable with oil above 35 buck a barrel. A south African company is working on a project in Austrailia right now where they are trying to process the coal right in the ground. In the long run that makes it even cheaper because you don't have to include the cost of reclaiming a coal mine in the price. That is one alternative we can produce right now.


Yes but its also important to focus on what crude oil produces. Only 30% is used as diesel or gasoline. Fertilizer, and plastics will take a huge hit if we decrease oil production.
Oil companies aren't stupid, if it was viable they would do it. Don't forget that oil companies are usually the owners/developers of "alternative energies." Its in their best interest to use them when necessary.