Please don't vote for McCain


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
Fix it, jail them - But by all means don't export our tax dollars. Darn corrupt corporate american companies. (I guess it's an example of not enough regulation in the industry - figured you would like this one... )
You then support it going to FRANCE!!! 40% rather than fix it and keep it here. MCain was okay with it going to France.
I read the whole article and chose what to post as you.

Even Boeing's Republican supporters are critical of McCain.
"John McCain will be the nominee and I will support him, but if John McCain believes that Airbus or EADS is the company for our Air Force tanker program he's flat-out wrong — and I'll tell him that to his face," said Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash.
Rep. Todd Tiahrt, a Kansas Republican whose district includes a Boeing plant that could have gained hundreds of new jobs from the tanker program, said McCain's role in killing the earlier deal is likely to become an election issue. Both of the leading Democratic candidates for president, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, have criticized the Air Force decision.
"I think we absolutely will hear more about it," Tiahrt said. "We'll hear it mostly from the Democrats and they have every right to be concerned."

How many times are you going to go back and edit this post?

McCain didn't hand them anything. He has nothing to do with the awarding of a bid. You don't think the original bid should have been revoked once the illegal activity surrounding it was discovered? Seemed like a responsible action to me. If people in the states that lost out want to hold him accountable for their state losing jobs that would have been the result of an unfair and illegal bid process so be it.


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
I have seen so many comments on here how democrats are just to the right of France. McCain isn't to the right, he's on France. Don't vote for McCain if he believes the French need a boost in their economy for our national defense contract dollars. Out-source defense
Boeing supporters in Congress are directing their wrath at McCain, the Arizona senator and nominee in waiting, for scuttling an earlier deal that would have let Boeing build the next generation of Air Force refueling tankers. Boeing now will miss out on a deal that it says would have supported 44,000
new and existing jobs at the company and suppliers in 40 states.
The McCain deal - EADS (France) and Northrop say about 60 percent of their tanker will be built in the U.S
LOL that number keeps getting bigger and bigger.
I'm confounded on why people are fingering McCain on this deal. Boeing had a serious ethical

up (how quickly people are to forget the "evil corporation" mantra, as well as who employs the worker, when they start talking taxes), people went to jail. Boeing would never be in this situation had they not screwed this up the first time.
Although I agree, there are some serious problems with awarding a contract to a company where we clearly are pursuing free trade complaints with WTO. I fail to see how McCain who was minding his own business pursuing democrat voters should be implicated in the deal.
I think that this is a knee jerk reaction. The democrats moan and groan when we don't bid something out properly (halliburton) when there isn't really any good competition. Yet when they do bid something out, they moan and grown. You can't win. Northop-Grumman is an american company and teamed up with the only competition with Boeing (as far as big airplane platform) that happened to be a company outside the USA.
Personally as someone who professionally doing doing large bids, I fail to see how Boeing miss the airforce saying, "We want a gaint aircraft." Since the airforce listed size as the main reason for the choice. I think Boeing got a bit to comfortable and just assumed the Air Force would take whatever they offered.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I support the government opperating in the most efficient way possible. If that means 40% is outsourced to France so be it. Kinda sad how over regulation and rediculous union contracts have hammered our manufacturing base to the point friggin France can build it cheaper than a US company.
Actually plane by plane, Boeing beat them by about 35 mil (acording to some news article). The airforce listed the design of the Grumman aircraft as the reason for the choice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Kansas will be one to watch - They are a solid hard red state in the past.
What gets me about the unemployment numbers - on the news today we lost 60,000 jobs.
The folks that run out of unemployment comp just disappear off that list. It's not like they found a job, but just not receiving unemployment payments. It's just an indicator of claims filed. Conversely, no can prove they are working. How does severance packages show, people take those all the time. Choice take the severance voluntarily or be let go. Severance people can't claim unemployment since it was voluntary - with a little cash. I just don't see how the economist can use that as a reliable number. Unless I am wrong..
It is a giant math problem, they poll a sample then do the math to figure it out. It may or may not get close to accurate numbers they are always re-releasing then numbers based on whatever it is they have. But if it is always done the same way it does track change in employment that can be used as an economic indicator. As long as the process is the same, they can corrolate that to whatever the reaction is in the economy.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Wait a minute. Hold the phone. Let's back up a bit. What is the difference between this and Haliburton?
The democrats are complaining about this.......Boeing cheated and got caught. so the dems still want to award them the contract? Yet the dems were the one's that complained Haliburton got contracts without winning a bid process.....doesn't this seem ......ironic?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Wait a minute. Hold the phone. Let's back up a bit. What is the difference between this and Haliburton?
The democrats are complaining about this.......Boeing cheated and got caught. so the dems still want to award them the contract? Yet the dems were the one's that complained Haliburton got contracts without winning a bid process.....doesn't this seem ......ironic?
Ironic? Hehe, more like hypocritical and typical.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Boeing cheated and got caught. so the dems still want to award them the contract?....ironic?
Should be (US), they don't want it to be outsourced to FRANCE (40%)
No being in the French court is hypocritical and typical. Since that characterization has been use to the point of nausea on here to compare Dem to them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Should be (US), they don't want it to be outsourced to FRANCE (40%)
No being in the French court is hypocritical and typical. Since that characterization has been use to the point nausea on here to compare Dem to them.
The French changed during the last election....... I've posted repeatedly that I would have an issue with using a French company had they not.


Whether it's Airbus or Boeing, it's irrelevant. Boeing couldn't produce the airframe the AF was looking for, so they lost out. This is the military we're talking about here, not the park service.
They need the right equipment the first time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Wait a minute. Hold the phone. Let's back up a bit. What is the difference between this and Haliburton?
The democrats are complaining about this.......Boeing cheated and got caught. so the dems still want to award them the contract? Yet the dems were the one's that complained Haliburton got contracts without winning a bid process.....doesn't this seem ......ironic?

You've got to read Quinn's Laws.


Active Member
EADS isn't a french comany, it is a giant conglomerate with coporate interests spread out all over the European Union. Several countries have vested interests including france, and germany. I don't think officially, that government have direct influence on the company, but I do think that several of their federal governments own a portion of it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
The democrats moan and groan when we don't bid something out properly (halliburton) when there isn't really any good competition. Yet when they do bid something out, they moan and grown. You can't win.

Originally Posted by Darthtang AW

Wait a minute. Hold the phone. Let's back up a bit. What is the difference between this and Haliburton?
The democrats are complaining about this.......Boeing cheated and got caught. so the dems still want to award them the contract? Yet the dems were the one's that complained Haliburton got contracts without winning a bid process.....doesn't this seem ......ironic?
great minds think alike


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I bought into the republican propaganda most of my adult life...I feel I have been cheated, tricked and lied to. Shame on me, I knew I shouldn't have bought that cure for the common cold, I want my money back.....
History has proven that the National Debt goes up by leaps and bounds then.. I am not making your connection.
The dirty little secret is that the dems have created this spending system, and want to preserve it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
The dirty little secret is that the dems have created this spending system, and want to preserve it.
Okay stone thrower, sure the republicans want rules changed since they are now the minority. Is this a new tactic? NO (2005 - Republicans in both houses were the Majority and Executive branch) Texas (R) didn't miss their share either, almost double of what IL (D) had... Gosh darn it, those Democrats.


They could have changed it, if they wanted to. They could have pushed a bill to vote, Bush would have signed it. The Dems couldn't have stopped them.
If they wanted to.


Active Member
Of course, let's not forget Nancy Pelosi saying if she was Speaker of the House she would do away with earmarks.
Gosh, if only she was Speaker of the House.........


Originally Posted by Clown Boy

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
- John Adams
It says religious. Not bible or christian.


Well, she does not have what Hassert had. It actually could have happened a few years ago.But, do we really want to tell ourselves that person or one party wants to fix this? How long have they been playing that?
I must be a lot older than you and jaded at this point. I think if the players wanted it different, they wouldn't just propose it when they know it can't happen. If it makes you feel better to blame one person, I have a really cool free therapy service I am starting up.
(They are playing us)
(I need to set up a paypal acct and start charging for this insight)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
They could have changed it, if they wanted to. They could have pushed a bill to vote, Bush would have signed it. The Dems couldn't have stopped them.
If they wanted to.
That was a bad year (2005) for the republican Tom Delay the house majority leader from Texas. He was indicted for violating campaign finance laws and resigned. Roy Blunt took over...


Originally Posted by zman1
That was a bad year (2005) for the senate republican Tom Delay the senate majority leader from Texas. He was indicted for violating campaign finance laws and resigned. Roy Blunt took over...

Was all that a distraction so we wouldn't notice what they weren't doing!
They did throw in all the stem cell BS so we would forget about all the abortions happening....