Please don't vote for McCain


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
It says religious. Not bible or christian.
What it really means is our inalienable rights come from a higher power than man. "Our Creator" gave us our rights, and only the Creator can take them away. If man ( the government) gave us those rights, then man (the gov't) can take them away. By phrasing it this way, these rights cannot be removed by man(gov't).


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
That was a bad year (2005) for the republican Tom Delay the house majority leader from Texas. He was indicted for violating campaign finance laws and resigned. Roy Blunt took over...
The da who indicted him later lost his job because of his actions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Okay stone thrower, sure the republicans want rules changed since they are now the minority. Is this a new tactic? NO (2005 - Republicans in both houses were the Majority and Executive branch) Texas (R) didn't miss their share either, almost double of what IL (D) had... Gosh darn it, those Democrats.
I'm not denying that they could have, should have changed. There is no reason that today we have the budget that we have. Sadly the republicans failed.
You've just been arguing that the democrats are the fiscally conservative party. And I simply wanted to point out a chink in your argument.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27 http:///forum/post/2512056
You've just been arguing that the democrats are the fiscally conservative party. And I simply wanted to point out a chink in your argument.
Please don't try to distort my position. This is what I said.
Actually, I was trying to point out that you've been lied to, the Republicans aren't. Regardless how many times you tell yourself and other republicans say it - doesn't make it true...


Active Member
Hang on to your wallet or purse tight. President Bush is sending Cheney to negotiate on the oil companies' behalf again in the Middle East. You remember the last time....


Cute! Where are you finding these?
You know, back to the topic about not voting for McCain, I really want to plug Newt. Let's start a write in campaign for a real Republican! McCain is just not far enough to the right!


Active Member
Isn't a vote for McCain an extension of the Bush policies. They are tied together, so the Cheney visit is on topic.


Originally Posted by Suzy
Cute! Where are you finding these?
You know, back to the topic about not voting for McCain, I really want to plug Newt. Let's start a write in campaign for a real Republican! McCain is just not far enough to the right!
I agree, actually. I feel that both parties are stymied by the fact that their loudest proponents are also the crappiest.


Active Member
As to oil, between new finds in the western US, Colorado oil shale, ANWAR, and the US Gulf Coast, why are WE not drilling on OUR soil to become independant of the Middle East? Hillary and Obama and in bed with the Leftist Environmenttal movement, so no go there, but McCain just may be able to let us get our own oil. That would buy us time to get alternate sources (Re: Nuclear, clean coal etc). It makes no sense to put food in our tanks. Why run up corn when oil is up there too?


We aren't dependent on middle eastern oil. Europe is though, as is most of the European, African, and Asian continents. We derive close to 10-15% of our oil from the middle east. Also, oil shale is not quite the same and requires more energy input than its possible output, just like ethanol, a dead end.


I like the thought that we are saving our resources in case the unthinkable happens. Just in case some radical forces take over a big part of OPEC or something. Not that an OPEC country could get taken over by a radical regime or anything......but just to humour the weirdos that think a radical regiime could get in power of a middle east country or Venezula or somewhere else that is a secure , stable US loving country.
Just in case. Our economy is bad enough as it is. If we had no reserves, we could be in a world o' hurt.


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
As to oil, between new finds in the western US, Colorado oil shale, ANWAR, and the US Gulf Coast, why are WE not drilling on OUR soil to become independant of the Middle East? Hillary and Obama and in bed with the Leftist Environmenttal movement, so no go there, but McCain just may be able to let us get our own oil. That would buy us time to get alternate sources (Re: Nuclear, clean coal etc). It makes no sense to put food in our tanks. Why run up corn when oil is up there too?
You're mixing power generation with fossil fuel consumption. Apples and oranges my friend.


Originally Posted by mfp1016
We aren't dependent on middle eastern oil. Europe is though, as is most of the European, African, and Asian continents. We derive close to 10-15% of our oil from the middle east. Also, oil shale is not quite the same and requires more energy input than its possible output, just like ethanol, a dead end.
Weird how a global economy works. If Europe, Asia, Africa get the bone, we might feel a sting with them...


Active Member

Originally Posted by mfp1016
Wait, Jimmy Carter was a Republican?
Nice try - Unfortunately, the Democrats have to keep that one.
Originally Posted by zman1

Actually, I was trying to point out that you've been lied to, the Republicans aren't
It's simple, Republicans aren't - If that hurts your feelings, you should challenge the Republican party not me.
Democrats have their issues with spending, I just refuse to let the Republicans go blameless and hear rhetoric that it's all the Democrats fault...
We just borrowed another $200 Billion today to give to banks to loosen lending. The current strategy of borrowing to economic prosperity is the Dumbest thing I have ever heard. Why is our dollar free falling on the world currency markets? As Mr. Obvious would say - Huh, I didn't make that connection....


Active Member
Originally Posted by mfp1016
You're mixing power generation with fossil fuel consumption. Apples and oranges my friend.
How the heck you think power is generated?
Oil, coal, natural gas? Last I checked those were FOSSIL FUELS!
Small amounts of nuclear, wind solar hydroelectric.


OFF topic: I really liked Carter. He is the only one who ever did anything about abortion.
Now back to your regularily scheduled programming.