Please don't vote for McCain


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
any reasonable person wouldnt vote for mccain.
the only reason you should vote for him is if hillary is the dem nominee.
mccain has done nothing more than stab his party in the back since losing to Bush in '00.
this year, there is only one person worthy of the oval office, and he's a longshot- huckabee.
I pretty much agree with you here. I like Obama (I think my support of him is obvious) I think the comparisons of him and Robert Kennedy are right on. I think he is a once in a generation type candidate.
I don't believe or really trust Clinton. I think she will continue the politics of old but it seems to me that she is an opportunist candidate and will blow in whatever the direction the wind is going for that day.
McCain is a great patriot as some has described him, I just think he has the right vision for our country and will continue down the same road as Bush. I think politically he will have a hard time because in my opinion he is not as conservative as he is leading people to believe.
I disagree w/ Crimzy here because I think Obama has transended race and there is something very special about him which allow people to see past his skin color. Besides I'm sure you've heard of the poem saying Clinton is blacker than any black president could be.. I would respond by saying Obama is more black and half as much white. I think people forget about his mixed heritage and I think he represents us all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
You're right, McCain will not leave this war. If we are to believe him, this war will continue for the next 100 years.
Wow journey, your staunch conservativism (or should I say blind conservativism) is pretty surprising. You demean any effort to end the war by concluding that it is "cut and running". You talk about appointing judges who will uphold the constitution when your hero, Bush, has made a concerted effort to appoint judge's who want to overturn Roe v. Wade. The reality is that, if you were having this conversation 50 years ago, you'd be discussing the need to overturn Brown v. Board of Education and upholding the fallacy of "separate but equal" philosophy.
Your argument is full of unsupported conclusions. (1) To my knowledge Obama has not raised any proposed extreme health care reform like Hillary, (2) SOCIAL PROGRAMS DO NOT EQUAL SOCIALISM. There is a big difference if you can see past your party line.
You now blame the war on Saddam (not terrorism as was your previous arguments). However, Saddam was captured in the first year of the war.
What is false about my concerns about the economy? Are you so biased that you don't see the conditions of employment, the US dollar and the $250 per month that every family is required to donate to the war effort?
As to your comment about my desire to have a republican or democrat president, you clearly have so much blind faith in Bush that anyone who challenges him must be a democrat, or a socialist. I'm telling you that you would have loved the 50's... you'd probably have a front row seat to the McCarthy hearings. Not that it matters, but just so you know, my opinions on various issues extends through the spectrum of conservative to liberal. I am smart enough that I don't need to label myself "democrat" or "republican" and support candidates accordingly. I have voted both ways. However I disagree vehemently with the mistakes of our current president and I also disagree with McCain's philosophies. So, if it is easier to call me a democrat or communist, than to open your mind to criticism of "your party leaders" then go ahead. That's ok with me.

Obama wants universal health care. How is that not extreme?
Saddam was one of the causes of us going to war, not all of them. The dictator was hoarding weapons of mass destruction and buying them from arms dealers out of France and Russia all the way up to the start of the war.
When I look at the war in Iraq, I see a war that is being fought off of our soil and one that has kept terrorism out of our country. Since 9/11, London, Madrid, and Bali have been struck with terrorism, but not the United States. The latter I would like to keep that way.


I'd vote for McCain if he does not have Huckabee on the ticket.
Warmonger? at least he's been to one war, and knows what he is sending the troops at. I do not like the Iraq war, but as that say goes 'We broke it, now we have to pay for it'; I still believe thou, that Iraq is going to go down the toilet after we leave, those people cannot live together, we are talking about centuries of bad blood between them, just like what happened with Yugoslavia, after Tito's death they split and fought amongst them for the land.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
yea, i'll be voting for mccain...
no offense, but neither democrat really has all that much experience in the political field. hilary shopped around for the easiest state she could win a seat at, and obama's only been a senator for what, 2 years?
My opinion in regards to experience is that Cheney and Rumsfield have had decades of experience...


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
You're right, McCain will not leave this war. If we are to believe him, this war will continue for the next 100 years.
call me crazy, but i'd rather the fight stay over there than on our turf.
bush is a bumbling idiot, but he has kept the fighting over there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Obama wants universal health care. How is that not extreme?
Saddam was one of the causes of us going to war, not all of them. The dictator was hoarding weapons of mass destruction and buying them from arms dealers out of France and Russia all the way up to the start of the war.
When I look at the war in Iraq, I see a war that is being fought off of our soil and one that has kept terrorism out of our country. Since 9/11, London, Madrid, and Bali have been struck with terrorism, but not the United States. The latter I would like to keep that way.
Iraq was/is a front to fight terrorism overseas... Iraq didn't have WMD's. They may have given the impression, but I believe they did this because of their fear of Iran.
Obama's plan is not extreme... I think Hilary's is because she mandates coverage. I think she would have a hard time getting it passed.. I think Obama's plan is a passable plan.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
My opinion in regards to experience is that Cheney and Rumsfield have had decades of experience...
their experience was mainly during cold war era with little or no media coverage. they may have not been able to adapt to current world standards, but at least they can't be controlled by the majority partied senate and house. hillary and obama would be puppets, and every single country would laugh at us.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
call me crazy, but i'd rather the fight stay over there than on our turf.
bush is a bumbling idiot, but he has kept the fighting over there.
i agree 100%.
200% as to the bumbling idiot comment.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Threed240
We all have personall beliefs, mine are based on religion. Asking a person not to vote for someone running for office, because of you own beliefs, would justify dictation. This country was based on democracy from religion. Some think the bible is just a book full of old folk stories, others know the truth. I am just expressiong my personnal beliefs. I do not want to get into a religious debate, however, once the government takes God completely out of our nation, we are all in for an awakening. I too would only vote for McCain if it were an election against Hillary. Otherwise, Im a Huckabee.
Well, you can't claim that you "know the truth" and not want to start a religious debate.

At any rate, to me the bible is just a book of stories as you say. I'm a Buddhist; I don't believe or disbelieve in god. Therefore I am one of those who believes that if this country is to continue to have a separation of church and state, and continue to have religious freedom, we shouldn't put a preacher in the White House. You're welcome to vote for who you want, and I never said you weren't, all I said is "Personally, I don't want someone legislating from the Bible in office".


Active Member
If a democrat is elected you will not see any withdrawl from Iraq unless a victory can be claimed. They will not want to leave and have it go badly and be on their beck no matter how much the bug president Bush to get out. From 60 minutes:
"And you pull out according to that time table, regardless of the situation? Even if there"s serious sectarian violence?" Kroft asked. "No, I always reserve as commander in chief, the right to assess the situation," Obama replied
The other thing is the Democratic party has alwasy been the party for "equality" for the black man and the, if you listen to them, lone supporters for racial equality. If this were true why would Senator Clinton not step down and let their party rally around Obama.
Just some thoughts going through my head. I say unfortunately that McCain is the best choice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
If a democrat is elected you will not see any withdrawl from Iraq unless a victory can be claimed. They will not want to leave and have it go badly and be on their beck no matter how much the bug president Bush to get out. From 60 minutes:
"And you pull out according to that time table, regardless of the situation? Even if there"s serious sectarian violence?" Kroft asked. "No, I always reserve as commander in chief, the right to assess the situation," Obama replied
The other thing is the Democratic party has alwasy been the party for "equality" for the black man and the, if you listen to them, lone supporters for racial equality. If this were true why would Senator Clinton not step down and let their party rally around Obama.
Just some thoughts going through my head. I say unfortunately that McCain is the best choice.
This election is not about race. If you want to play that card, Hillary has just as much of an argument to stay in with the female perspective. However, Obama is not making this election about race, but so much more so in favor of change.
Obama is going to pull out troops whether we are winning or not. He has already said that there will be a time table and removal will be relatively quick. Of course he will say something like you quoted above because he does not want to come off as being a radical.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
You're right, McCain will not leave this war. If we are to believe him, this war will continue for the next 100 years.
Wow journey, your staunch conservativism (or should I say blind conservativism) is pretty surprising. You demean any effort to end the war by concluding that it is "cut and running". You talk about appointing judges who will uphold the constitution when your hero, Bush, has made a concerted effort to appoint judge's who want to overturn Roe v. Wade. The reality is that, if you were having this conversation 50 years ago, you'd be discussing the need to overturn Brown v. Board of Education and upholding the fallacy of "separate but equal" philosophy.
Your argument is full of unsupported conclusions. (1) To my knowledge Obama has not raised any proposed extreme health care reform like Hillary, (2) SOCIAL PROGRAMS DO NOT EQUAL SOCIALISM. There is a big difference if you can see past your party line.
You now blame the war on Saddam (not terrorism as was your previous arguments). However, Saddam was captured in the first year of the war.
What is false about my concerns about the economy? Are you so biased that you don't see the conditions of employment, the US dollar and the $250 per month that every family is required to donate to the war effort?
As to your comment about my desire to have a republican or democrat president, you clearly have so much blind faith in Bush that anyone who challenges him must be a democrat, or a socialist. I'm telling you that you would have loved the 50's... you'd probably have a front row seat to the McCarthy hearings. Not that it matters, but just so you know, my opinions on various issues extends through the spectrum of conservative to liberal. I am smart enough that I don't need to label myself "democrat" or "republican" and support candidates accordingly. I have voted both ways. However I disagree vehemently with the mistakes of our current president and I also disagree with McCain's philosophies. So, if it is easier to call me a democrat or communist, than to open your mind to criticism of "your party leaders" then go ahead. That's ok with me.

The war against terrorism could conceivably last for 100 years.... unless we surrender. If you would rather remove women from schools and have them wear berkas, force folks to bow east every couple of hours, exocute violaters of sharia law, abolish any personal freedoms and then ya the war could end must faster. That's your two choices; Fight or surrender.
I am for ending the war in Iraq. The surge is doing that. I'm not for retreating.
Again, I'm for judges enforcing the Constitution. Roe vs. Wade is Unconstitutional. The Feds stepped in and took rights away from the States. Something the Constitution prohibits (See the 10th Amendment). Last time I check that was the President's postition as well. Abortion should be decided on the State level.
You are uninformed regarding Obama. See Obama's webpage (click "Issues") then we can have a more educated conversation regarding his plans to move us towards a socialist form of government.
r />
I never blamed the War in Iraq on terrorism. I've always known exactly why we went into Iraq. Saddam did support terrorists (Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.) and I've certainly justified our invasion on that. Go back as far as you'd like, however. I've always been quick to point out Saddam was directly responsible.
You've stated the "recession" that may be coming (although fiscal numbers do not currently show it) is not cyclical. There is absolutely no basis for that argument. Under the current President home ownership reached an all-time high, Unemployment is near record lows, and inflation and interest rates are low. And, of course, were paying lower taxes than we have in years... See Carter for a President whose policies caused a recession.
I'm certainly willing to donate $250 a month to the war effort. Of course that's a silly number and we both know it.
The falling dollar is an issue. Of course it's one that McCain has addressed more than either Obama or Hillary.
I certainly don't blindly follow the President. I was very vocal whenever I disagreed with him (spending, immigration, etc.)
The line has been drawn Crimzy. The two major parties we have become diametrically opposed. If you are for socialized programs, "cutting and running", higher taxes, activist judges and bowing to the alter of the UN you're a Democrat. I'm not name calling; just calling it like I see it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishzen
...those people cannot live together, we are talking about centuries of bad blood between them, just like what happened with Yugoslavia, after Tito's death they split and fought amongst them for the land.
I've been to the former Yugoslavia recently (Macedonia).
It took years, but you now have a viable nation working towards admittance into both NATO and the EU.


Active Member
Opinions, opinions, opinions...Here's mine...Not sure what anyone could have against McCain personally, he is a war hero, and has served this country his entire life. He would bring respectability and decency to the office that has frankly lacked it for the last 16 years. I may have voted for Bush twice, but I think he is pretty much an idiot, and Clinton is the least respectable President to ever finish his term.
It would be a toss up if Roger Clemons were running against Hillary as to whom I trust more...I like Obama's character, and he is an excellent speaker....Sorry, but I will never vote for a Dem for President.


Active Member
Gads, a lot of false information being spewed in this thread.
McCain was a Democrat? Got a link? His first political campaign he ran as a Republican.
100 Year war? Nice try. Mccain pointed out we have been in Japan 60 years and South Korea 50 and said he would be fine if we were in Iraq as long as our troops are not being harmed or injured. Of couse the left wing bloggers knew that but their braindead audience will eat whatever pile of $#@# they set in front of them.
As far as Obama the only reason he is a Senator is because he is Black and the only reason he has any traction in the presidential campaign is he is black. Look at his record. He has no remarkable accomplishent in his political career. Started as a State Senator in 97. If the guy was white and named jones he probably couldn't even have been elected to the state legislature in the area he lived in.


Active Member
fishzen;2469844 said:
I'd vote for McCain if he does not have Huckabee on the ticket.
I'll only vote McCain if Huckabee is
on the ticket. If not, I'll sit this one out and let you guys choose the next leader of our nation. At that point, I don't think it will matter much anyway.
Any of you that are inerested in Bible prophecy may want to ask yourselves if Mr. Hussein Obama would be likely to bring peace between the Israelis and the Arab nations, having a muslim background and all. Maybe he will be elected to fulfil scripture.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1http:///forum/post/2469847My opinion in regards to experience is that Cheney and Rumsfield have had decades of experience... Let's talk about Obama's voting record, since you believe he "represents us all".
"This amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 passed 60-28 on August 3. The bill gives U.S. spy agencies expanded power to eavesdrop on foreign suspects without a court order." Obama's vote: NO

"This amendment to the Homeland Security Act of 2002 was made in order to implement the recommendations made by the 9/11 commission" Obama's Vote: Didn't vote

" This $120 billion dollar package was passed in the Senate by an 80-14 vote on May 24. The bill primarily focuses on funding for the Iraq war but also addresses other unrelated topics. " Obama's vote: No

"House and Senate conferees approved this legislation providing $124.2 billion primarily for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and setting benchmarks and a timetable for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, but President Bush vetoed the bill on May 1." Obama's vote: YES

"This $122 billion war spending bill calls for combat troops to begin withdrawing from Iraq this summer (2007) Obama's vote: YES

"This non-binding resolution would have revised U.S. policy on Iraq. However, it was defeated 48-50. The measure had directed the president to begin a phased redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq within 120 days of the resolution’s enactment" Obama's vote: YES

"This legislation would allow federal funding for research on stem cell lines derived from embryos that would otherwise be destroyed." Obama's vote: YES

"This vote would have given Senate approval to a proposed constitutional amendment that would give Congress the authority to ban 'desecration of the American flag." Obama's vote: NO

"A Senate cloture vote on the gay marriage amendment failed, effectively killing the amendment" Obama's vote: NO

"Extended the Bush tax cuts" Obama's vote: NO

"Confirmation of Samuel A. Alito, Jr. to be an Associate Supreme Court Justice." Obama's vote: NO

"Supported a ban on cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of detainees held by U.S. forces and to requires the military to follow the Army field manual for interrogations" Obama's vote: YES

"Confirmation of Samuel A. Alito, Jr. to be an Associate Supreme Court Justice." Obama's vote: NO

"Cut nearly $40 billion from the federal budget by imposing substantial changes on welfare, child support and student lending programs." Obama's vote: NO

"Blocked, for the second time, the confirmation President Bush's choice for U.N. Ambassador, John Bolton. Those opposed to the confirmation voted "no" on a measure to limit debate. Those in favor of the confirmation fell short of the 60 votes needed to limit debate and move the nomination process forward." Obama's vote: NO

(taken from Washingtonpost's Congressional votes database)
In addition he has:
*Opposed the lifting of $0.54 per gallon tariff on cheaper Brazillian ethanol. Said, "ethanol imports are neither necessary nor a practical response to current gasoline prices."
*Voted against the bankruptcy abuse bill
*Opposed privatizing Social Security
*Opposed drilling in ANWR
*Opposed any ban on partial birth abortion
Sorry Rylan. Obama is a left wing radical. He does not reach out to everyone, nor will he unite us.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Iraq was/is a front to fight terrorism overseas... Iraq didn't have WMD's. They may have given the impression, but I believe they did this because of their fear of Iran.
Obama's plan is not extreme... I think Hilary's is because she mandates coverage. I think she would have a hard time getting it passed.. I think Obama's plan is a passable plan.
Rylan, you've been corrected on both of these before. Saddam had both Sarin and Mustard Gas.
At least you're no longer denying Obama's plan calls for Universal Health Care (only took me quoting directly from Obama's webpage 3 times for you to apparently see that). Obama's plan definitely mandates coverage
. "My plan begins by covering every American. If you already have health insurance, the only thing that will change for you under this plan is the amount of money you will spend on premiums..." taken from Obama's webpage"


Active Member
socal57che;2470046 said:
fishzen;2469844 said:
I'd vote for McCain if he does not have Huckabee on the ticket.
I'll only vote McCain if Huckabee is
on the ticket. If not, I'll sit this one out and let you guys choose the next leader of our nation. At that point, I don't think it will matter much anyway.
Any of you that are inerested in Bible prophecy may want to ask yourselves if Mr. Hussein Obama would be likely to bring peace between the Israelis and the Arab nations, having a muslim background and all. Maybe he will be elected to fulfil scripture.
Obama was raised around Muslims, not as one.
As far as Huckabee I doubt he ends up as the VP. There are better candidates based on demographics. Having a southern conservative on the ticket is likely going to happen.