New Member
I have an established 210 gallon aquarium with a mostly open soft sand substrate. I just added a round or cortez stingray and I am a bit concerned. I was told by the fish store he was readily eating and so I took him home, he had been special ordered, and now I cannot get him to eat. I have tried fresh squid, scallops, shrimp, krill, mysid, shark formula, coddle fish, octopus, you name it, i've tried it. The one downside and the thing that is freaking my out is that when I bought him, I also introduced an african cleaner wrasse to pick off a viral bump from my harlequin tusk. Well it quickly did it's job but then proceeded to pester the ray every time he surfaced. I quickly returned the cleaner wrasse but am now afraid it may be too late and the ray may not eat. Any suggestions or comments?