Please Help!!! Emergency!!!


I was installing my new fuge and while I was preparing to move the heater in, it hit something and one of the tubes in it broke. It doesn't look like any of the outer part is broken, though. It looks like there are small glass tubes around each metal coil and one of those broke. I don't want to risk electrocuting my tank. How long can my tank last without a heater??? WHAT SHOULD I DO?


I would make sure your house is warm tonight to help keep the temp in the tank from dropping too low tonight. I would highly recommend getting a heater tomorrow. Everthing should be fine until tomorrow morning. If your house is 70, your tank should stay close to that same temp. A bit cooler than ideal, but should not harm anything for that short of time.


I'm definitely going to get a heater tomorrow. I noticed that the inner tube is only slightly cracked so I might just run the heater until I can get a new one tomorrow.


I wouldn't do that. You can get some stray voltage and fry your fish. Wrap your tank with a blanket to insulate it. Try duct taping a heat pad to the exterior glass or something but I wouldn't use a broken heater. Wally world is open all night you can get a 200watt for like 20 bucks until you can get something better.


Ok, I'll do that. Thanks! It seems I have another problem, now. I just modded my Maxi-Jet 1200 for more flow and it started creating a sandstorm so I unplugged it to move it. When I went to plug it in again, it didn't work. What should I do with this?


Make sure there is no sand in the propeller.......You sound like you are having one of my days...


I looked all in the prop and there was nothing there... I have another backup Maxi-Jet, but that's not the point. How can I get this one to work? The worst part was that today was going amazingly well so far... school was fun-ish, had a blast at musical rehearsals, picked up some chaeto and caulerpa for the fuge, got home and everything took a turn for the worst.


How old is the maxi-jet? IDK anything about these things, but sometimes if you take them apart it helps...if not...KICK IT...LOL....


Active Member
Shake it around in the water (swish it) and try plugging it in and unplugging it a couple times to jar the impeller. Sometimes it's easier to do this in the kitchen sink to get it going.
Oh, and I agree that you should not use the broken heater. Besides the livestock, you risk electric shock or electrocution.


I'm not going to use the heater. I'll try to clear out the maxi-jet some time tomorrow after my rehearsal. Thanks everyone!