here is the rundown, amm 0, nit 20, sal 1.019, temp 76 my yellow tang has a swollen eye, i have been treating it for pop-eye for the last 3 days, it hasnt gotten any better, i have been treating it with melafix. i dont have a hospital tank for him so i am treating my 135gallon. i have also notice that the yellow tang will scratch himself on the gravel every once in a while, he still eats like a pig and i have been putting vitamins in his food. im starting to think that he has external parsites instead of popeye, the eye is swollen, i have been doing 5 gallon water changes everyday. my blue hippo tang also scratches the bottom once in a while as well. i none of the other fish do this nor does the yellow and the blue hippo have any white spots on them. i am stuck and info will be great thanks in advance - mike