Please Help Identify


New Member
Can someone please help id the small polyp-type colony on the right side of the attached photo?
Thank you


Active Member
Possibly a pipe's not fully extended so it's a little bit harder to identify.


New Member
It's hard for me to tell because these are pretty small. The base looks hard and the polyps soft. Each polyp has eight tiny fingers.

yosemite sam

Active Member
Try poking one to see if it's hard or not. I was at first thinking it was an Alveopora, but they have 12 'fingers' on each polyp. It might be some type of leather.


New Member
Definitely soft. Each one has eight distinct fingers. If it is a leather, I've never seen one like this.


Active Member
so how did they retract when you touched them? did they just ball up or did they retract into a skeleton, etc?

yosemite sam

Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
as eastland stated, I think they are baby gonioporas.
They look like it, but gonioporas have 24 fingers on each polyp. Alveoporas have 12. I don't know if this varies when they are younger, but I think it must be something different. Perhaps there is some relative of the two that only has 8 fingers?


Active Member
hmmm. interesting... man, Sam knows much more about these than I do :eek:) I just checked and yup, my goniopora definitely has a ton of fingers on each polyp - can't make out 24, but I trust you on that one. Either way, you'll have to keep taking pics in the future and keep up updated on their growth.


Active Member
Ahhhh, just saw that my posts was 911. Had to throw another up quick.... good, now 912. .... sorry... You were saying?