PLEASE HELP, Skin condition in Shark


I have noticed for the last couple of weeks a strange dark spot on my sharks back. Not knowing if it was his spot or other I have done frequent water changes (levels are good) and started soaking his food in garlic to boost his immune system just in case. I noticed today the spot looks worse. He is stressed, I can tell by the splotches on his belly. He is still very active and eating but I have no idea what to treat him with. Can I use Melafix or something that is antibacterial? I am lost as to the coarse of treatment with him. I suspect this is from him climbing around the L. Rock and in and out of the channels I have made him.
I will be sick if I loose him. Please if anyone can help let me know.



Active Member
To me it looks like an infection. Maybe he scraped it against a rock, got a bruise and now infected? WHat size tank is he in? What are his tankmates? What foods are you feeding him and what are your water parameters, "good" doesn't work for me?? Also, do you have a heater inside the tank?


That to me looks like a external bacterial infection. You are going to need to do a culture on the infection to be positive. The local vet should be able to preform the skin scrape on the fish. If you do not have access to do a culture on the shark. Your best bet would be to treat with baytril at 10mg per kg of body weight orally for Qt time of 7 days every other day.
Best of luck and keep every one posted on your progress with the shark.


Tank parameters are Nitrite-.02 or less, Am-0, Ph-8.2, Nitrate 10, Salinity 1.21, temp 80.7, size 175 Bow (moving to 300 and is cycling now). I have a regal, surgeon tangs, Lunar Wrasse, and a Picasso. I know what you are think and the trigger is not bothering him. They have been together for some time now. I have lots of caverns in and out and he is always darting around. I would not be surprised if he hit one.
How do I administer the baytril? Do I treat the whole tank, just him. I can't imagine pulling him out. It would stress him beyond belief.


Active Member
Raise the salinity. You should have no nitrite. I take your word that the trigger isn't bothering the shark, my niger doesn't bother mine either.


Your best bet would be to treat with baytril at 10mg per kg of body weight ORALLY for Qt time of 7 days every other day.


requiem is 100% right. I dont want to be mean but orally means mouth like feeding it to him.
cartmans right also get rid of the nitrite try AMEQUEL or a biological starter


Not to sound dense, but I assume this will be something I soak his food in? If not how in the heck do I get him to eat it? Thanks for all the help.


Mildly, thanks for asking. I called around and the medication suggested is only prescribed by a Vet or MD. So no one would let me have it. My LFS suggested Primafix (SP) and it cleared the red spot up and started to dry the area out. He is still stressed as the red splotches stay present. He is still eating and active. Not that the timing was the bet but I got my 300 gallon up and running and pulled him and put him in the new tank and got him out of the 175. I am wondering if the stress of the small tank isn't part of the issue. I am keeping my fingers crossed and will watch the levels. Hopefully he will be fine.


Do raise salinity like said before and keep water quality excellent. Keep an eye on it, but will likely heal up over time.


Still alive. The new tank is supporting the crew nicely. All the parameters are pretty good. I am having a hard time keeping the temp up. It is between 76 at night and 78 during the day. I am not sure what temp is optimal for the shark. Suggestions? Also what should I raise the salinity to?
I am not certain if he is better or worse. The wounds look better, but he is not eating. Again, I am not sure if this is a problem since he does this from time to time where he will not eat for a couple of days then acts like he is starving.


Do you have MH's on the tank? I keep my temp at 79 or 80 mine seem to like that and the salt at 1.026. Go to your LFS and buy freshwater glass shrimp they will activate his natural feeding responce, and the shrimp will live for like 4 days in saltwater and scavange the whole time untill they are eaten. Your shark needs to eat alot to have the excess nutrients to heal his wound. good luck and you could add another heater to the tank to more evenly distribute the heat and the temp wouldn't change much, unless you have MH's


I am sick to my stomach. I lost my shark this morning. I can't help but wonder with all the time the LFS took to get me my 300 that my shark didn't get stressed in the 180 and the rest is history. The whole point of getting this new tank was for him alone. Now I have lost him. Either way I am to blame, just not sure what I could have done different. I am very frustrated and upset
Thanks for all the help guys. I am not even sure if I can find another one around here. I got lucky with him.