please help!!!!


New Member
please help the tomster... ijust put together a nice looking 55g tank w/very good intentions to make a beautiful aquatic habitat for my fine fishie friends, but my wife is satan, and in hel@ water boils. i have recently purchased several test kits and think the hydrometer is looking good. help in not making me send the pretty little guys to the porcelin headstone....any advice welcome...newbie on board, but don't worry. i took my dramamine!

tony detroit

Active Member
well, what question are you looking to answer?
Best newbie thing to do is to buy a book before doing anything else. Buy the book, set the tank up right, buy everything you need, and buy livestock LAST. Good luck, post questions one thread at a time for better luck getting answers.


New Member
i have crushed coral and live sand,some immitation coral and that is about it. i got some help form someone at a lfs and the website that kip1430 suggested. thanks kip! you have beautiful taks. i appreciate the advice. are damsels a good start as far as a tank starter goes?:happyfish


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by saltytom
i have crushed coral and live sand,some immitation coral and that is about it. i got some help form someone at a lfs and the website that kip1430 suggested. thanks kip! you have beautiful taks. i appreciate the advice. are damsels a good start as far as a tank starter goes?:happyfish

I prefer to use mollies. Start with a male. Just a suggestion.


Damsels are easy to care for and inexpensive, but they are satan's offspring. I started with damsels in my reef tank and all my shrimp and crabs always stayed hidden. When I took the damels out the tank took on a new personality. Everyone felt secure enough to roam around in the open. My advice is to NOT get damsels.


Active Member
I wouldn't use any fish to cycle a tank.
Uncured live rock would be your best bet all the way around.


Active Member
I agree - use LR to cycle tank. If you cycle with damsels you might not want them after cycle is over - then what - tear down tank while capturing them? You'll want LR in there before anything else anyways, if you want LR that is. So cycle your tank with it!

bang guy

I agree with the above posters to not torture any fish by forcing them to endure the poisons associated with a cycle.
Just use uncured live rock. If you would rather use cured rock then just feed the tank a small amount of flake food.


LFS also told me to use DAMsels to cycle (that was before I found this site) and I was sorry. They are called DAMsels for a reason and it takes hours to get them out once you have your LRF set up and you find that they do not seem to get along with anything else you try to put in your tank. Listen to the peeps on this site-they know what they are talking about!


New Member
thank you EVERYONE with all of the hints and help. i was planning on purchasing lr from this site. has anyone had any luck with the florida rock? how long should i wait before introducing anemones to my new hobby?:thinking:


Just curious but are we taking to two different tom's here or have you logged on with two different personalities?


Active Member
I would wait at least a year and do alot of reading before getting an anemone. I waited 3 years myself and got a RBTA (actually I have two BTAs but that is a long story) because of their hardiness.


New Member
One tom one Sam. my wife uses the site as well and i want us both to be able to post threads and search the site. no hurry on the anemone, those little guys are pricey!:eek: