please help


Sorry! One of the reasons why I don't like participating health related threads is my schedule can be unpredictable and I don't always have time to devote to them as I would like and thus can be slow to respond.
If the air pump is moving air sufficiently, then it is fine. The other thing you can do is put a Tee inline and have two airlines in the tank, one on each end. An airstone is fine.
The actual time for treatment will vary based on how the seahorses respond. Minimum time will be 6 days for the long term bath.
If this is a temporary 10 gallon setup, then water changes would be indicated. If this is so, then I would consider do a 50% water change each day and modify the amount of formalin given. If you are doing 50% water changes each day, then I would replace the formalin after each water change (1 ml 37% formalin per 10 gallons). Make sure that you keep it well aerated and have a hitch for the seahorses. After 6 days, you will need to re-evaluate the horses to determine if additional therapy is needed.
I would probably treat both seahorses, especially with the history given and the history I have seen with this species in the US.
ok so im going to get up the Qt tomorrow. i was not able to find formalin. i went to 3 FS n they said they dont have any. one said its not in the market anymore... i got the Metronidazole and the praziquantel. Oh and the product is called "Prazipro" that contains the praziquantel. is this ok to use? so how should i use them? my LFS said that i should just add them directly into the Ot tank.

dive girl

Deworming Instructions:
ok so im supposed to blend the metronidazole with food to make some kind of paste... then do i inject it into mysis shrimp?
or do i feed the paste?

dive girl

You know, I've got to wonder if you are trolling this forum? Where in Ann's post do you see the word "paste"? Have you noticed that less and less people are responding to your posts? I have come close to not responding as well because I don't really think you are serious. I don't want to sound bitchy but you need to make a better effort for yourself.
Get some adult brine shrimp there is a place in Carson that sells them and a fish store in Fountain Valley that has them on the weekends or google the web.
Add the dosage that Ann recommended here:
Each med should be used on its own for three weeks (so you'll be deworming for a total of nine weeks), because the use of all 3 meds at once can cause the seahorse's system to be overwhelmed by the number of IPs dying all at once.
Weeks 1-3: One day each week, feed two meals of Praziquantel. For gutloading ABS, use a concentration of 10mL per gallon for 2 hours.
Weeks 4-6: One day each week, feed two meals of Metronidazole. For gutloading ABS, use a concentration of 1/4tsp per gallon for 2 hours.
Weeks 7-9: One day each week, feed two meals of Fenbendazole. For gutloading ABS, use a concentration of 250mg (2mL) per gallon for 2 hours.

ABS is Adult Brine Shrimp. Do a search on gutloading if you are unsure. So take your metronidazole add 1/4tsp per gallon of saltwater that your brine shrimp are in. Let the brine shrimp eat for 2 hours. Net the brine shrimp, rinse gently and feed to the seahorses. Do this twice in one day. Only do one day a week for 3 weeks.
thats what i didnt know. ive red the procedure 1000 times but didnt understand what to do. im really slow. im sorry for being stupid.
and the paste thing that i mentioned is written on the metronidazole container.
i really want to thank you for putting up with me.
thank you for not giving up on me. i am serious about all this.
its just my first time with seahorses and all these medications.
Its all very confusing.
i have no experience, i am just starting to gain some.
after i get it right i wont ask anymore questions. i promise.

dive girl

I have never seen anyone be upset at questions. What I think the problem is and why you aren't getting the response that you once did is because you ask for advice and when excellent advice is given you fail to take it.
You are under no obligation to take anyone's advice, but if you ask for it and get some excellent advice from people like Ann and Dan then you better take it or people will move on to help those that need it and will use it to help their seahorses.
How are the seahorses by the way? Are they both eating?
Seahorses are fish. If Ann or Dan tell you to do something different than the label says, do it.
i do take the advice

i have done everything everyone has asked!
ive been doing fresh water dips every 3 days or so to keep the parasites off temporarily. the Qt is getting ready and i bought the meds also the baby brine shrimp that, is still in the process of hatching.
the seahorses are doing a lot better. they have stopped completely throwing up and they eat about 10 large pieces of mysis every feeding (which is twice a day). all the algae has disappeared off of them and there is no sign of stress.

dive girl

Why are you continuing to fw dips? Who told you to keep doing that? Again if it wasn't Dan or Ann (and I don't think that they did) STOP.
What do you mean getting the QT ready? Cycling it or getting items for it together? It probably would have been much easier if you had purchased Adult Brine Shrimp at one of the two places I told you to instead of the eggs.
Originally Posted by Dive Girl
Why are you continuing to fw dips? Who told you to keep doing that? Again if it wasn't Dan or Ann (and I don't think that they did) STOP.
What do you mean getting the QT ready? Cycling it or getting items for it together? It probably would have been much easier if you had purchased Adult Brine Shrimp at one of the two places I told you to instead of the eggs.
my LFS said to do the fw dips. ill stop if u say so but it really has helped a lot. yeah im cycling it, well actually i dont know if it will cycle because i used some sand that i havent used in a while and it is no longer live sand, and im using some premixed water from my LFS. All the nitrites are at 0, so it hasnt started to cycle, but im afraid that when i start feeding them and when they poop it will cause a cycle. i got a low flow submersible pump. how long would the brine shrimp last me if i bought them?
i have enough eggs now to last me about a year, but for some reason they aren't getting bigger. i was supposed to use saltwater from my tank right?

dive girl

A successful seahorse breeder (DanU) said that he wouldn't put his horses through repeated freshwater dips. Your LDS told you to. It's up to you on who you believe.
I don't know how you are hatching the eggs or what you are feeding them so there's no way I could tell you if you are doing it right or not. If you bought adult brine shrimp and kept an airline going in with them and fed them they would probably last until you fed them all to your seahorses.
If you have questions about hatching out brine shrimp eggs use google, there's lots of information.


Originally Posted by seahorse1000
i have enough eggs now to last me about a year, but for some reason they aren't getting bigger. i was supposed to use saltwater from my tank right?
Ummm, I know you aren't paying close attention, but it will take from 3-4 weeks to get from brine shrimp eggs to adult brine shrimp. What do you plan to feed the seahorses in the meantime?
Also, if you have no food for the brine shrimp to eat, they won't grow at all. They will simply die. What are you planning to feed THEM?
will they eat microvert or phytoplex? i thought it took just 3-4 days untill they got to their adult stage.... i miss read it.
in the mean time im feeding them PE mysis shrimp.
Originally Posted by Dive Girl
A successful seahorse breeder (DanU) said that he wouldn't put his horses through repeated freshwater dips. Your LDS told you to. It's up to you on who you believe.
I don't know how you are hatching the eggs or what you are feeding them so there's no way I could tell you if you are doing it right or not. If you bought adult brine shrimp and kept an airline going in with them and fed them they would probably last until you fed them all to your seahorses.
If you have questions about hatching out brine shrimp eggs use google, there's lots of information.
what is LDS?
ok so they wont die if i feed them?

shrimpy brains

Ok, I'm gonna give it a shot.
First, I'm sure LDS, is LFS. The D is right next to F on keyboard!!
Second, yes the brine will need to be fed and they need an airline to keep alive!
But really, it's been 3 pages and over a month since the start of this thread and you still have them in the display tank.
On the very first page, Sept. 1 and 2, Meowzer told you how to set up a DT.
Why do you have sand in there. It needs to be bare bottom so you can see and remove leftover food and poop. You will have to do large daily wc to offset the ammonia, etc.
What you need to do is: siphon 10g of water from your display into your hospital tank. add the airline and a couple of fake anything saltwater safe for your horses to hitch on. If you have anything in your display with a sponge on it, you can add the sponge to add bacteria. Then get those horses in there!!
Also, on the first page, Ann described the fw dip. She said when you finished it, NOT to put your horses back in display tank, as it would be full of the parasites you just removed. You were to put them into the hospital tank, immediately!! So, every time you have fw dipped these little guys, you turned around and exposed them to the same parasites you just removed.
These are just 2 examples of why people are getting frustrated with you. I could go on for a while about the advice you have ignored. I'm sorry to sound mean, but you really need to reread this thread from the beginning and realize that all the advice you need is here. You just need to follow it!!


Active Member
again we dont want to be mean, but this is crazy. You need to buy adult brine. you can not wait days for the newly hatched brine to grow out. believe me it takes a while.
I am so suprised these horses are still hanging in there.
What temp is your tank at. You need to be sure that its below 74 degrees or in thier weakened state they can fall to bacterial infections
Are they still acting sick???
I agree with shrimpy here. You need to reread this thread.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
again we dont want to be mean, but this is crazy.
Watching this thread has literally been painful. You folks have tried so hard to save those seahorses through a computer screen and are getting 0 cooperation from the person requesting help.
This thread is a testament to the hardiness of these seahorses despite their caretaker.