please help

ok i did my best!
i finally got to do it! but only for 5 mins... the female seahorse laid down after 5 mins i got scared so i put her back, the male lasted 30 seconds longer i think it would have survived for a bit longer but it started to have some really freakish twitches, so i put him back. the whole time i was just praying. it was sooooo hard!!!

but im glad i did it.

oh and today when i was feeding them, the male threw up all the mysis shrimp he ate... is that bad? he didnt eat after that.


You have to let them twitch and react. It isn't pleasant having protozoans exploding in their snout and gills, but it is even less pleasant to have them living there, eventually preventing them from eating and breathing.
Only remove them if the become unresponsive (i.e., you tap them and they don't react). Five minutes really isn't long enough. For serious problems, you need 10 minutes, preferably 12.
Spitting out mysis could be a couple of things. It could be a protozoan infestation preventing him from eating, it could be that the mysis is unacceptable for some reason. Had it been thawed and refrozen? Or had it sat out for a while? Or is it more than a month or so old? A new brand maybe?
the female didnt respond when i tapped and moved the bucket. it was just on the bottom breathing very heavy. the male was swimming around going up and down.
the food was frozen once and it was defrosted like 5 mins b4 i gave it to them, same brand too.


I have never lost a seahorse to a freshwater dip. I have dipped a lot of seahorses. If the seahorse is still breathing, I would leave it in there. I have known cases where seahorses were dipped a lot longer than recommended here. The symptoms you are describing are indicative of a parasite load. If the seahorse did not have parasites, it would just hang out in the FW dip and not exhibit any of the symptoms you describe. It is tough when you think you are harming them, but in this case it is helping them.
ok i will do a fresh water dip again. does it cause them stress?
oh and they have stopped eating... they eat only 1 or 2 pieces a day and what ever the male eats he throws up. im really worried. he reaches for the food then changes his mind and doesn't eat it. i hate parasites


Where are you located? I'm curious if there is somewhere you may be able to take these horses to so they can receive treatment.....

dive girl

Originally Posted by seahorse1000
i live in the Glendale area in California. its apart of LA.
Cranberry's in that area. I'm further south but if you can't care for them I'd rather drive and meet you somewhere than to let them become sick and die.
You can do it though!
really can someone heal them for me?
if someone can take them for a bit and make them better that will make me really happy. because this is my first time with seahorses and i really love them.
do you charge money?


Active Member
I dont think there is anyone that would take them, treat them, then give them back.
This is what happens when you buy something before researching. Wild caught horses have more problems to deal with then captive bred. There are extra steps involved in caring for them.
Do you have a vet, ask them if the know of an Aqua vet, someone who treats fish. It will cost you. or you can take the advise ann is giveing you and do everything she says. You need to do something very soon, like today or your horses are going to starve. But some live brine and gut load them, some live ghost shrimp something to get them eatting.
You can do this.
I am not trying to be mean, but you really should have researched a little more

dive girl

There's an Aquatic Vet in Costa Mesa, if you want the number let me know.
I'm not offering to take them, cure them and return them. If you can't care for them, I'm offering to take them. Don't get me wrong, I don't want them, there's a lot to invest in treating a sick horse; time, money; emotions but I would rather do that then see them die because you aren't able to care for them properly. But you are not doing them any good by not following Ann's advice on treatment for them.
PLEASE don't think I'm being mean; I'm not trying to sound harsh. I love seahorses, they are magical. I don't want to see any die because they aren't cared for properly.
I know you can do it!!!!
Don't do anything else today until you give them a fresh water dip like Ann and Dan recommended!
My favorite local fish store (isn't local, about 50 miles away) is my favorite, not because they have the best prices, the most interesting stock, or the most complete stock. They are my favorite because they won't stock seahorses because they don't feel that most people can properly care for them. They refer people to online breeders to purchase captive bred seahorses, when someone really wants to put the time and money into these fish.


Active Member
i feel like an idiot

u guys are right i should have researched more b4 i got them.
i will try my best with a 12 minute fresh water dip! can i just not look at them? and will they start to eat after the dip?and will the male stop throwing up his food?
and one more thing today i noticed the males snout was white this is the best pic i can get...


Active Member
im emily and thats Mr.Clownfish (michael)
i dont want u guys to think im lying so here is a pic i took 30 seconds ago.

dive girl

When are you going to do the dip?
It's possible that seahorses flesh is being eaten because of the parasites. Take Mr.Clownfish to your house and have him do the dip, right now.


Originally Posted by Dive Girl
When are you going to do the dip?
It's possible that seahorses flesh is being eaten because of the parasites. Take Mr.Clownfish to your house and have him do the dip, right now.
+1, fear is you may have wasted precious time.....You really need to make a decision NOW....either give them to someone or TREAT them
I'm not trying to be mean either...but come have gotten so much advice....follow it already
ok so i decided im going to do it one by one. an i caught the female first. its showing no signs of stress its on the bottom breathing very slowly and its not moving...
Originally Posted by meowzer
+1, fear is you may have wasted precious time.....You really need to make a decision NOW....either give them to someone or TREAT them
I'm not trying to be mean either...but come have gotten so much advice....follow it already
i know but the thing is that i dont know if im doing it right.
ok we are half way done. 6 minutes left. the seahorse it not moving at all and its snout is on the bottom on the bucket breathing very slowly.