please help

here is the one u said was a male.


i couldn't get a good pic of him/her so i had to stick my hand in there and get it.


Active Member
wow, they are small. Maybe Tom will chim in, but the first looks like a young male and the second a female.
yeah they are real tiny. and im feeding them mysis PE. they are pretty large they can only eat like 4 or 5 each. they ate like 10 each today.
when do u think they will start breeding? i wanted to avoid breeding. i herd they start very early.
if they do breed all the babies will die, will this cause the nitrites to go up?


Active Member
Where do you live?? maybe you can find someone to take the babies. It wont happen for a while yet they are pretty young and I am not 100 percent sure on ---. Do you have any other fish in your tank??
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Where do you live?? maybe you can find someone to take the babies. It wont happen for a while yet they are pretty young and I am not 100 percent sure on ---. Do you have any other fish in your tank??
i live in the Glendale area in California. its apart of LA.
i dont have any other fish. its just the seahorses.
but how would i catch the babies if it happens?
and that balloting thing is still happening to the male. he starts to thrust around. he really looks like he is in pain...


Shoot. Really hard to tell from those pics. Assuming one may be a male - it is very young and the pouch isn't really developed much if at all. In older, obvious males the "crunching" they do would look similar to them bending themselves in half while opening the pouch.
The way you describe it as "thrashing" around.... combined with the fact these are H. comes, would make me consider internal parasites are to blame for the thrashing and discomfort.
Ann? Thoughts?
Originally Posted by ReefNutPA
The way you describe it as "thrashing" around.... combined with the fact these are H. comes, would make me consider internal parasites are to blame for the thrashing and discomfort.
Ann? Thoughts?


Active Member
in the beginning of this thread, you were advised to do a freshwater dip and deworming? have you done this. Ann even posted how to do it
tom is probably right this may be a sigh on worms or parisites.
What does thier poop lool like?? is it white and stringy or solid and purple??


Like Teresa said, what preventative treatments have you given them?
Is there any chance you can get a picture of any of the behaviors, pouch issues? Or, better yet, a video?
Also, what are your current water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, and temperature)? Are both seahorses eating? Is the other seahorse displaying any symptoms? And, like Teresa said, describe their poop. :)
Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/post/3135315
in the beginning of this thread, you were advised to do a freshwater dip and deworming? have you done this. Ann even posted how to do it
tom is probably right this may be a sigh on worms or parisites.
What does thier poop lool like?? is it white and stringy or solid and purple??
i did not do the de worming but i did do the freshwater dip.
and there poop is solid and purplish grey.
Originally Posted by ann83
Like Teresa said, what preventative treatments have you given them?
Is there any chance you can get a picture of any of the behaviors, pouch issues? Or, better yet, a video?
Also, what are your current water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, and temperature)? Are both seahorses eating? Is the other seahorse displaying any symptoms? And, like Teresa said, describe their poop. :)
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 20ppm
pH 8.3
temp 78
the male that looked like it was struggling is eating very well.
the smaller female is eating well to but not as good as the male. the algae on there bodies is starting to disappear. the other seahorse is very calm not showing any symptoms, shes a little to calm and not as active as the male.


I would do another freshwater dip on them and report back on how they react in it.
I would also drop the temperature to 74*, permanently. 78 is high for seahorses, especially in the home aquarium.
ok the first time i asked my cousin to do the freshwater dip for me. i left the room because i cant handle it in stress. i tried it the first time today making sure the pH was the same and having the same temp. i couldnt handle it. it started to thrash around and jump around like it was going to die. it kept on moving and doing these spasms. i put it back after like 10 seconds. it was so sad!!!
what should i doooo!!!

dive girl

I know it's hard! But you've got to do it! It's not the water that's causing your baby to thrash, it's probably the parasites coming off it that is causing it. In your case, the thrashing is a good thing, that means that if you look really, really close you'll probably see the parasites coming off in the water which will make your horse healthier.
Really, you are doing your horse a favor by doing this! Now I know you are going to be stressed out, but you have to do it for your horse. You obviously want what is best and as her caregiver you need to do this for her.
We're here for you!!
the thrashing happened right when i put him in there.
it was so scary

but i will do it again tomorrow. should i put both of them in at the same time or should i do it one at a time? and for 5 minutes right?
and right after i put him back in the tank he sank to the bottom and just froze up for like 20 seconds he didnt move. i though he was going to die from shock.

dive girl

You need to go back and read Ann's post number 14. Make sure you are using RO/DI water or water that you've treated for chlorine. The pH needs to be the exact same in both the salt and fresh. What I've done in the past is to get the pH perfect, then work on the temp, keep an airline and hitches in the fresh water.
Read post 14 a couple of times if you are unsure. You need to do the dip for 12 minutes.