please help

im starting to get some red slime in the seahorse tank and i was wondering if i can turn the lights on for like only 2 hours a day. will this be ok with the seahorses? i also have a finger leather and some zoos.


Active Member
I recently had this problem too. I upped my water changes and cut the lights back and just kinda left it alone. Its pretty much all gone now.

ann marie

New Member
I think you have a female and a male. Look at the bottom of their tummies (don't you like the scientific nomenclature!). I always say that the female kind of looks like she has a beer gut, kind of like the number 5. The bottom of her tummy comes in close to a ninety degree angle. The male seahorse has a tummy that slopes down usually towards the tale. It's not a beer gut it's smoother.
If you can help it, don't use any chemicals in your tank. If it can kill one thing, it can probably harm others. I would start with less time with the lights on and more frequent water changes. You could also get a little macro of your own to grow in there to help with the water quality.
Don't stress about the ponies, relax and enjoy them. If you are unsure of something; ask first then do.
OMG!!! something really weird just happened to one of my seahorses!!!
it turned pale all of a sudden and its stomach balloted up to twice its size and it got some yellow patches on its stomach.
it looked like it was struggling for a few seconds then it turned normal. this took like 5 seconds over all. and i think its rubbing her body and head against the rocks...
PLEASE HELP!! any ideas???


Active Member
flushing his pouch?? i have a male?
i dont know what was happening but it did look like his pouch area was expanding. it looked like he was in pain.
i dont knowwww!!!!!

but his not doing it anymore. ill take a pic of the one that was doing it. tell me if its a male. one second. ill post in 3 mins.


Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
flushing his pouch?? i have a male?
i dont know what was happening but it did look like his pouch area was expanding. it looked like he was in pain.
i dont knowwww!!!!!

but his not doing it anymore. ill take a pic of the one that was doing it. tell me if its a male. one second. ill post in 3 mins.
Are you and seahorse1000 the same????
i wanted 2 of the same genders!

i dont want them to breed.
are you sure because someone on the first page said it was female...


Active Member
from the angle of the second picture it looks like a pouch to me. Get a good side view picture of both. Must be side view-profile picture