
I bought and set up a brand new 1/4 hp eco plus chiller for my new 350 gal system. The system will be up in about a month or so as I am still curing my live rock. Anyway, I ran the chiller through a system of water just to double check everything and low and behold 50% of the water that I was pumping into the unit was escaping out of the bottom before even exiting the chiller back into the sump. What the heck? Does anybody know what happened? Or have any ideas? Anything at all


Well-Known Member
Leaking from somewhere. Double check your connections and if it's not those then send it back since it's new.


its definitly not the connections. Its leaking from inside the unit, the underneath part. There are only two connections to make out of the box, hot in and cold out.


Ya, It comes out of the box and on the top of the unit are the in and out fittings and thats it. Plug and play, The bottom of the unit though is a metal sheet with several bolts in it and a few cut outs, Those cutouts are where the water is leaking out of. Makes me think there is a loose factory fitting inside the unit. You think I could have blown off the ******** fittings with a too strong pump? I attached a waterfall pump to ait rated for 3700gph but i cut the fitting on that down to 3/4" from 1 1/2" which cut my flow in half and then the pump is working with 20ft of lift through the entire system, this pump is rated at 1400gph at 20ft which I figured would be perfect.
Please advise


Max mfr rated flow for that chiller is 1065 gph, so depending upon what the chiller is actually seeing, there could be a problem. To be honest, before I read on, and I saw 3700 gph, my mind said "WTF???!!!".
However, if you're so inclined, you can pop off the cover and run the chiller to see what's leaking. I might simply be one of the internal connections to the heat exchanger that is easily fixed. Of course, you could always return it too.


Spoke to the manufacturer. yes they actually called me. Must be a fitting loose in the resi within the chiller. I took it back to the shop itll be fixed or replaced in three days. ya the 3700 gph is rated at 0' im looking for min 15' of lift which changes the flow ti 1460 or something. I was shooting for 20' but i guess i overshot it. Anyway thanks for the help