Please Help

okay so i put in dead shrimp to cycle.. then people give me ---- for putting them in, even though they suggested it.. but anywhoe.. now my tank is cloudy as hell and i cant even see the damn live rock... so what is it? GOOD OR BAD. can someone just give me a straight answer? plese? thanks


Active Member
If you cycled with uncooked raw shrimp you will be ok. Not sure why it is cloudy though. Who was givving you s**t?

bang guy

You're doing great! It's a bacterial bloom. It will progress and then decline. If you're ammonia is above .5ppm a water change will help out.
oh and people who were saying i shouldnt have used dead shrimp.. this and that... and the first time i posted a thread.. people gave me so much crap about using clowns to cycle, i damn near threw away my tank..they discouraged me so much... and the same people were telling me that i should have used dedad shrimp.. so after the clowns died.. i put in dead shrimp... NOW other people are telling me that i should have just stayed with the live rock... sigh but yes! I HAVE TO THANK YOU GUYS AGAIN


Active Member
If you look around on this board there is usally some conflicting advice, so dont take everthing to heart, also Dead shrimp,
not cooked dead, but dead ,dead;) the rock by itself will work, but the shrimp will help it along quicker, About the clowns it probally upset some people because the cycle is almost certain doom for the fish, Good luck,;)
to plum.. they are dead shrimp.. not cooked dead.. i made sure of that :) and yeah, i was upset too when i found out my clowns werent gonna survive... i guess i was just anxious to see something move in my tank besides the water...
anyways.. i tested my water... just wanted to know if anyone knew where i was at.. or how i am doing in the cycling process...
ammonia - 8.0 ppm
nitrite - 2.0 - 5.0 ppm
nitrate - 10.0 ppm


Active Member
Right now you are in the "fit is hitting the shan phase" (which is good!) Your levels are spiking which will cause benificial bacteria to form to counter the increased levels. Your ammonia levels will continue to be high for possibly as long 3 to 7 days then the ammonia will drop. Next, the nitrite will drop, then the nitrate will be the last to begin dropping. The key is to sit back, relax and watch nature do it's thing! Before you know it you'll be into the next fun phase. (Diatoms!). No worries, all will be well in good time! If you want an idea of what to expect with your tank go to my website (address below) and check out the beginners section on the main page and the picture page. They will help ease your mind a bit. Good luck and not worry - we've all been where you are now!
lol.. i took most of my shrimp out... nowithink i have about four or five in there... i couldnt take any more out us i couldnt find them in my really coloudy water.... thanks for asking.. and thanks again guys... its been such a big help..
well.. its getting better now... i tested the water.. everything is going alright... but its not as cloudy anymore... so i guess thats good... thanks for caring..