Please I need help with a c.u.c.

I just set up my New 250 gallon reef tank and 20 gallon sump.... It has been running for two weeks and I have in there now..
1 fancy serpent star
1 ruby serpent star
1 coral banded shrimp
3 blue leg hermits
3 scarlet reef hermits
4 nass. snails
3 turbo snails
......80 pounds base rock
130 pounds live sand
110 pounds of live rock
what else and how many inverts do you all recamend for the best clean up crew.
i was thinking ...
3-5 mixed tangs ( I have one in a different tank )
1 large lawn mower blenny ( already have in a different tank )
1 scooter bleny ( in the sump )
3 more star fish ( 2 sand sifting 1 idk )
80 blue leg hermits
12 emerald crabs
40 scarlet reef hermits
40 turbos
40 cerith
100 nassarius snails
is there anything else i need? more or less of anything?


I think ....for the moment...less of everything....
this tank seems too new for anything to be in it did you cycle it????


Active Member
i agree. chill with what you have now and let the tank cycle before adding anything else. and ixnay on the sand sifting stars.


Active Member
Hi and welcome. I agree, two weeks on a 225 is not enough time to cycle. Stars are sensitive to water chemistry and should not be in tanks under 6 mo old.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Hi and welcome. I agree, two weeks on a 225 is not enough time to cycle. Stars are sensitive to water chemistry and should not be in tanks under 6 mo old.
And they will starve from lack of food....the tank has not matured enough to be able to provide the stars with the "natural" foods they need.
everything ( live rock, live sand, micro algee, 80 gallons of 2 year old water ) came out of my two 55 gallon reefs ... my lfs guy told me that the tank is ready...beleave it or not it already had the diatom bloom and it is all done...I have a mushroom rock in there, two zoos frags, a lawnmower, a tang, two engineer gobies, a coral banded shrimp, 3 star fish 10 crabs, 10 snails.. there is plenty of algee on the rocks and i will add more corals in a month then for my cuc i will SLOWLY add inverts i did not want to add the list all at once because there is not enough food lol.
Thanks for the welcomes.
I did not want to add fish or corals for two months but he said it was done and ready to "load it up" but i am going to wait 1 month before i add the rest of the corals and fish taht i have
Originally Posted by meowzer
ahhhh...didn't know the stuff was used...LOL...(established)...
yes everything is established... like i said I am going to wait atleast a month before i add any more fish and corals... and ill add inverts as i need them. The list i made is me assuming what ill need within two years.
ill start a new treat tomarrow for this build and ill post pictures... there is not much in it now ( because its "new") but within two months all of my 47 corals and 4 more fish will be in there.
Should i put my hawk fish in my new tank? he is kind of evil.