I can vaguely detect what might be some type of polyp looking things in the second pic. Other then that I see a snail and what might be another snail or possibly hermit crab? This is a tuffy lol.
And those are picture of it right under my mp40 on reefcrest. Should I put it on another mode? When I do my water change should i try to suck it up? I have a swc 150 bmk protein skimmer, and a phosphate reactor.
Ok so I am doing my 12 gallon water change tomorrow so I will siphon it out because its annoying me and seems to be spreading. I just don't want it because I don't want it hurting or bothering the sps. Thanks everyone for you're help.
If its a obscure type of algae, which it may be, run your lights less until it starts dying off and run 3 days of darkness...also reduce feedings and do frequent water changes.