Please ID


First, what is this stuff to the left of my snail????? Is it waste from something???

Second, what are these white things??? They are moving all over my glass. Sorry I can't get any closer to them.



I looked closer at these things and it looks like the have a tail or something. If anyone knows what these things are, what can I do to get rid of them????


yes,well from the fist pic. it looks to be his waste about the other 2 i have no idea but i shure someone will ;)


Well, I hope someone can tell me! :D Whatever they are they move quickly and my clowns are eating them.


Okay, I did a search for "copepods" I saw in a few threads that these are beneficial for the tank. How did these things get into my tank???


copepods are good for your tank! They provide snmall food for corals and inverts. If you do not like the looks of them, get a pipe fish or scooter blenny who will gladly hunt these down and eat them.
They could be anything and they live inside the rock. They may even be some type of newly hatched shrimp. I had my sexy shrimp breed and the offspring looked something like this.
Regardless it is not bad. But I would get something to eat the bulk of them up or you may have a population explosion.
Good tank if you get a bloom of those! :)

bang guy

Bradttu - after calm reflection on your pictures I've concluded that there is one other possibility. They could be Munnid Isopods. From the pics the appear to be Copepods, but I really need details of size, movement, and visible antenna/legs to know for sure.
These Isopods are the bug of the week in the Reef Forum if you want to take a look and see if they're similar.
IMO Munnidae are even more beneficial then Copepods.


Bang Guy - I know that they move "jaggedly" on the glass. I can easily see two antenna and a tail. I cannot see any legs at all. Please excuse my description, but they look like a sperm with two antenna! :D