Please take note:


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Finally, I believe that the thread was created in the middle of the night when there were probably no kids around.
I don't want to rile anyone, but there is at least one person from Australia that posts here. It probably wasn't late at night for them.


Staff member
Lets extend that olive branch then, but with the understanding and acceptance by the banned members in question that they should respect this site's decision to not have them here as members. Do you think the mods make these decision alone? The owners always have the last say. Don't they have a right to decide about this? Or do the banned members have that right? If there is remorse, and sorrow over the past, and if these people have been misjudged, then prove it by taking your licking and leaving us permanently alone. There are consequences to actions and all the lines have been crossed. What is the deal anyway? This is a fish board, why must you insist on being here? I'm sure all your friends can meet in a chat room at and share all the revolting pictures you want to out of your collections.
This site has been victimized by you, not the other way around. Even now, you continue to waste mods' time, when we should be out their in fish forums helping people who really need help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Even now, you continue to waste mods' time, when we should be out their in fish forums helping people who really need help.
Sorry but this is part of the problem... the disconnect between members and mods. This thread was started by a mod and now it's wasting time to post here.


Staff member
It is a waste of time to continually try and make it crystal clear that the nasty picture poster crowd are not wanted here.
Most members here want the moderators to support their fish tank needs, not babysit in the Aquarium.
Yes, it was started by a mod. And who posted in here? The one person that no mod wants to see. Just to show off to everyone that he's here,


im not here to argue to much just stateing fact... in a recent post connor had started a thread about a great deal that he had gotten on some frags of blastosmusa or somthing to the expensive side...... i may have gotten introuble my self and been banned but in the thread i think a mod that knows who they are flat out called connor a thief and basically a liar. I found that not alone an adult but a moderator of a website that was once my favorite place to hang out online and help people on the site. i havent really all that much participated in any chat threads maybe for a little bit once or twice since i have gotten in trouble but since the banning there has been threads that have been very conflicting and hateful towards younger kids or children that have taken place at the peek time of the day and mods have jumped in and called them liars and thiefs just for posting a good deal they got. i mean if i were a new member and got on and saw somthing to that magnitude i would cancel my membership i mean comeone no one know the story through and through so what makes it ok to call some one a liar when we werent even there to see the sale go down. I think there is alot of hypocrites that run around on this boards. Let alone the flaming that comes along with someone shareing there sucsess with a product that doesnt include hypo.........yes is hypo an effective way to get rid of ick and some other parasites maybe but medicines are available to all hobbyist the lfs dont even reccomend hypo or atleast none in my area do that i know of. i mean yes does it seem everytime you go to the lfs with a problem then get something and come home and then reasearch because u want to know all you can know about takeing care of your fish you get bombarded in your threads with people argueing about the best way to cure or make fish healthier.
Im not saying im perfect i know i will be gone again after this post i came not to argue i came to express my feelings and what i had to say and i will respect that the mods do what they do but before it happens maybe there could be a change but more than likely not.
(Ohio not sure what will happen Guy06)
P.S Sohals rule!


Active Member
mischevious is not a word that I would use for the post that you speak of a few months ago. The posters in the thread decided they did not like someone and made a pack to leave this BB in flames. There were not 1 or 2 pictures........there were so many being posted at such a rapid pace (one worse than the other) that one had to wonder where on earth these individuals were coming up with this garbage. I personally read this board with my children in the room. Had that thread not been deleted or caught up with, lord only knows who would have happened upon the thread the next morning. I don't think those involved would have deleted it themselves.
Anyway, its a simple rule, don't post garbage.


Active Member
i agree with mods here.....i would much rather hear your comments about my tank and what you think could be wrong if you see anything... or if you just plain like it rather than hear about how what this guy did this and why this person was banned etcetc....this is a forum for the people to learn and get help, so if it means taking the aquarium away, then so be it....i like the aquarium alot, because it helps us all get to know each other...and so in that retrospect i wish it could stay, but not if its gonna cause this much trouble, not if people can not be responsible enough to know where to doesnt seem worth it considering what the forum is really for. :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish
So mods(and all), come check out my tank! I'd love to hear your comments! I respect you all, and realize this isnt an easy task, i shall try to remeber the triangle***)



1) keep the aquarium
2) make a sticky with rules

PICTURES!? R U SERIOUS? THEY SHOULD BE BANNED IF THEY HAVENT ALREADY.. I MEAN COME ON THATS TERRIBLE... if i was reading that thread and my parents came in.... i would have been grounded for life even though i wasnt intending to view the images
come on people just use common sense... i mean unless someone is personally attacking you via these threads there is no reason to start swearing and "yelling" each other


Active Member
The way I see it is theres only three options...
Get rid of the OT forum
Leave as is
Clean house


I vote for getting rid of it. It serves no purpose other than being a lecture hall.
And the speakers are lacking in credibility.


Originally Posted by treybom
come on people just use common sense... i mean unless someone is personally attacking you via these threads there is no reason to start swearing and "yelling" each other
Common sense is what should be used but unfortunately not everyone has it...words on a computer screen can't hurt you....there is no such thing as a PERSONAL ATTACK on a computer message board....what is going to happen if someone "yells" or "swears" at you on this site???? NOTHING....ignore it/report it and move just shows the IQ(or lack of) of the person making the so called "attack"...if the person was in your face literally(real life) then that would be a "personal attack" and matters should be handled differently....
People these days IMO get offended way to real life and on messages boards....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shu-perman
People these days IMO get offended way to real life and on messages boards....

what I am talking about..................ANYONE would have taken a step back and wondered where this kind of nonsense came from. I don't offend easily........this was over the top offensive.

37g joe

Originally Posted by Shu-perman
People these days IMO get offended way to real life and on messages boards....
Quite the oposite people just are alot more offensive and some how they feel it is thir right to be offensive.


Active Member
Yeah, believe me...this stuff is WAY offensive, by any definition. :scared:
Anyway, I didn't address this before but it was mentioned. Regardless of time of day, this stuff doesn't belong here. In fact, by posting this material at night, it shows even more arrogance and intent to disrupt...because it is likely to get past us for longer and increase the likelihood that any of you will see it. And really, I feel that an adult unsuspectingly being exposed to it is not something to write off either. I don't want that in my life for sure. Another thread was also posted under an innocuous title in the DIY forum, clearly with the intent for people to open it.
There are really no excuses for the behavior, and no way to put a bow on it to make it less offensive.

This board should have a "G" rating. It is a fish board!! It shouldn't need to have an R rating for its content, but these posters have met that, if not NC-17 (!) in what they have posted.

I think people are right though. People like this are out to cause problems, and whether there is an aquarium forum or not, they will try to do that. Pretty sad, pathetic really, but there may not be any point in closing the forum

I appreciate people sharing their perspectives and thoughts though. It will help with a solution


I by no means was refering to the pics...yes that would be offensive(granted I didn't see 1 pic so I am taking your word on it...this should be a "G" rated forum)....I was refering to words spoken and typed...people calling names and making a bigger deal out of it than necessary...


Active Member
1)I admit that I have participated in chat threads, and realize how easy it is to get caught up in em. But from the comments about the bad posts, those people took it to far, and there is no reason they should be let back in, and I think the mods definantly took the best course of action with those former-members.
1) I would just like to make a few suggestion:
members: if you see a bad post report it immediately, then step away, and do not post about it at all!
When you are responding to a thread, before you actually hit the reply button, stop and read over what you just wrote, check for any errors, etc., but also take a second and think about what kind of responses your post may cause, or ask yourself if you would want your child or parent to read what you wrote. I do this alot, where I just stop and read over my response before I post, and 1 out of every three times, I just don't post it.
mods/admins: There si a forum that I frequent, and I believe many other forums use the system where they have a "verification" period of some amount of time where they give the member limited amount of posting ability and only in certain forums. Maybe y'all could do something like that where a new member is only allowed to post in a certain forum (I was thinking probably the newbie forum).
Also, is there a way that maybe you could make it so that if a certain number of people press the triangle button for a certain post, then that post is made invisible to everyone but the mods, until the mods can decide wether it is appropriate or not?
I realize that both of these ideas would take a great deal of programming skills (or I am guessing that it would take a great deal of programming skills, since I have no first hand experience with programming), so I am not sure it is worth the effort
I would like to thank the mods for their enormous efforts at keeping the forum clean for viewing from youngsters like me! I would also like to thank the responsible members who report bad things when they see em!


I'm with all you 100%. I even think there is no point to the Aquarium section.
Just my 2 cents


Active Member
I am in agreement with the moderators and think the folks that were banned got what they deserved. I didn’t see the thread or pics in question and I am surprised that adults would feel the need to post that type of material—it’s something I’d expect from kids. I’m also surprised that some people can’t move on and feel the need to come back even after they’ve been banned…again, it’s not the type of action I’d expect from an adult. I think that 99.9% of people who use this forum are good people and I think it’s a shame a few folks feel the need to disrupt it and cause problems. I do enjoy the Aquarium, there have been some really good discussions and I think it’d be a shame if it were removed.


Originally Posted by tatoush
I'm with all you 100%. I even think there is no point to the Aquarium section.
Just my 2 cents