Please tell me I didn't just do what I did!


Okay...I know I am going to get my but flamed but I need help...I just bought two firefish gobies from ***** (Yes I know *****..I am sorry but they are the only local dealer near me) They look good, but I don't know anything about them and now I read they are jumpers and I have a 175w mh pendant over my tank....will they jump out or what can I do..can I put a glass cover over the top of the tank or what...what should I do when I am acclimating them....I will post a picture of my tank in few mins so you guys can see what I have in there for LIve rock and tell me if its good enough...Please anything I need to know help me ASAP!:mad:


Okay, there they are...those are the firefish on top there..what should I there any hope at all?:notsure:
And I am sorry I should of done my research......I just never get a ride to the store and I took my chances...ANd that backround I just switched to pure blue..not the fake backround!


Hey Shrimp.. You may want to think about getting a glass top. I did some research and I came up with this....The Firefish Goby is quite active and can brighten up many marine aquariums. It can be kept in small groups or pairs, and acts peacefully toward other fish. However, some individuals may act aggressively toward each other. If you do not have a mated pair of Firefish, it is advisable to place members of a small group simultaneously into a large aquarium and watch them to ensure that aggressors can be removed. Also, any Firefish may be small enough to be preyed upon by larger or aggressive fish, and should not be kept with such species. Plenty of hiding places should be provided; often, Firefish appreciate rockwork with a number of holes and crevices for them to hide in. Firefish Gobies also burrow into substrate quite often, and a soft or sandy material at the bottom of their aquariums will facilitate such behavior. Because some Firefish may jump out of their aquariums, it is recommended that you keep a lid over their enclosures.:nervous:


you can put the glass covering but you will probably have heat issues or there is the egg crate option but it isnt very pretty lookin lol


I have a glass top, what if I raised my penant to like 12 inches off the water...and turned down my heater?>?


I have an eggcrate on top of my 29g, or what Lowe's calls a light fixture cover. It is white and has 1/2 square holes. They are easy to cut and it has worked out pretty well on top of my tank.


you should have a glass top or something. you dont want to loose them. BTW i work in *****, dont buy fish from them, only buy them if your made a special order from the manager. :nope: even when i work there i take the chance i buy a clown fish. it was so sick he didnt make it to the tank. and they didnt do anything about it. they just put a sign in the tank were he was. "fish in observation not for sale" and they do sale them. if you want something from them make your it is a special order and pick it the same day they receive it. dont lte them take care of your order they are fish killer:nope:


Yea I know that...I just couldnt help it...I am sorry...but what should I do about the heat problem...I have a glass cover should I put it on or what?


Yea some pictures of your 29gallon would be great...and also how do I acclimte tehm...they have been floating in the water for bout an hour now?


Let them out of the but the glasstop on and just keep watching the temp. And turn down the temp as needed to get the temp you need.


Can you show me a pic of your whole tank...and also...should I slowly add water from my tank to their bag.....


Get a 5 gallon bucket or any clean bucket and dump them in there and siphon water down to them with a tube about 1/8 of an inch tie it at the end and let about 5 drops fall per second. Do not dump the water from the fish store into your tank.
About after 2 hours of dripping net them out and put them into your tank.
Didnt you have problems with your clowns a month or so ago? I know you went out and bought a QT tank. Are you not going to QT these fish first and see how they do before putting them into your main tank? I just dont want you back in the same problems you had before.