Please tell me im nuts...


Im thinking about moving all my corals and fish to my 125 and starting my 37 gal over again.. maybe as a seahorse tank. Im having alot of cyano issues right now in the smaller tank and my big tank looks EMPTY. Everything in the small tank would eventually move into the big tank anyway (two chromis & a blue hippo) the only thing that wouldnt is the cleaner shrimp that might get eaten by something lol (tang, SFE) We have a pretty well established CUC in the small tank that would work great in the big tank too. The only possible issue would be lighting but we could upgrade that no problem.. I put a small piece of GSP in the big tank to see what happens and if it does well there is no reason my zoos wouldnt do fine also.
We lost our sting ray awhile back and I dont have the heart to get another one.. we believe he was captured "improperly" and just died of kidney or liver issues (no outwards signs, was eating great, pooping great, exc just literally died)
So am I crazy??


Active Member
I like the idea. I've always wanted to do seahorses. Since you would have to put the fish in the big tank anyway, you might as well. Whatever you do...POST PICS lol.


lol... ill most certainly post pictures!! Its just I'm very frustrated with the little tank.. The dang cyano wont go away.


Active Member
37 is a nice size for a pair of horses. You will have to get the cayno cleared up since horses need a little less flow and are messy eaters.
Stop by the seahorse forum if you have questions.

eric b 125

that sounds like a good idea. i have a bunch of extra tanks and equipment laying around, so once i get the 125 squared away (hopefully by the end of summer) i was thinking of putting some horses in an extra 55 i have.


I have not seen this thread before....Sorry to hear about the stingray...
Seahorses are great....if you take everything out, you can turn all lights off, and keep flow and filter going, and no feeding....and kill the cyano that way I think


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
I never refuse a beautiful woman’s request

i'm pretty sure a lot of people will agree with me here in saying that you florida joe are probably the most nuts out of every one on

crypt keeper

Active Member
im just trying to figure out what happened to the shark she added after the stingray died.
im not being a butt head but did that die too?