Pleasehelp All Fish Are Dieing


We recently bought a dog face that came in with ICH so we moved everyone to a QT tank and was treating with rid-ICH. I lost my blue tang and also a flame angel already and now my dog face is looking like death. His eyes are cloudy, heavey breathing and he looks like he has slime all over him. I am trying to get some pics for you but I need help ASAP. Please help! Thanks:help:


We had tried hypo and still nothing. He looked like he was getting better but now he has taken a turn for the worse.


New Member
Are you using a refractometer to measure salinity?
Continue hypo in the ht. Try treating for secondary infection due to the ich. You can use some wide-spectrum antibiotic like Maracyn 2 and an anti-fungal (something like fluconazole or miconazole at your lfs.). Follow the directions carefully. Also feed crushed garlic and add a few drops of zoe to the water.
When treating with the antibiotics you will kill the good and bad bacteria, likely causing a fungal infection and killing your biological filter. Monitor the water closely. Watch the ammonia, nitrite, and ph. Vacuum daily.
Hope your fish makes it.


Nope, didnt make it...lost our doggie about 30 min ago
I now have two other fish in there to care for. We looked him over and it looked like something was taking big bites out of him,but theres nothing in the tank that would have done that. I am so lost now.


New Member
Sorry for your fish. I don't like to diagnose but after seeing your pic I couldn't stop thinking about the guy. Read the stickies by Beth at the top. You'll have to run your display with no fish for 6 - 8 weeks.
Thanks Beth, I appreciate that. I don't want to give any bad info.