poison of the foxface


How poisonous are these guys? Are they the equalvalent of a lion fish or can they do more damage? :scared:

bang guy

They are similar to a Lionfish. I'm not 100% positive but I think all of the Rabbitfish are venomous.


A buddy of mine owns one, and told me to chase it around the tank (250 g) and watch what it does. Sure enough he would flare up his spines then dash to the other side of the tank. Eventually he hid in the rocks, and began to change his body color from bright yellow to a dark brown in order to blend in. I never knew they could do that.


The sting of the foxface is quite comparable to the Lionfish.


In my experience fox faces are pansies. I had one for awhile and it was the biggest fishin the tank. Dang thing refused to ever come out of hiding except when it was time to eat. I got tired of explaining to guests that the prettiest and biggest fish was behind a big rock so after 6 months or so i brought it back. It let a lawnmower blenny half its size pick on it at first.
I have had one for about a year. My wife called me at work, all excitedly. "the foxface is eating from my hand!" I hadn't told her that they are venemous.
They change their colors, at night the brilliant yellow turns to a mottled gray. and they sleep with thir fins extended.
I have been told to treatt their sting as that of a stingray. heat will counter act the venom. I have not had the opportunity to verify this advice