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In NJ a cop can ask to search. If the driver refuse the request the officer can not move a stitch in that car, the officer can not even stick their head inside the car. The officer can walk around and look inside but can not gain access to move anything w/o a specific search warrant.
(I can say this since my two brothers are cops) Majority of cops think they are above the law and have “holier then thou” attitude and can do what ever they please and it brings me great joy when a cop gets busted for anything” For some reason cops forget they are public servants, and are servants nothing more.
Most are chicken sh*ts anyway.
My idea for cops, you pull someone over and they kick the crap out of you oh well, stay in shape. Be the big dog you think you are and take them down your self. Don’t call for back up, you’re a cop your ooooh so tuff.
Love my brothers but hate their uniforms and the tinfoil badge they pin on their chest.
Before someone says “wait till you need a cop”
1- My wife and I own guns, and shoot better then the 80% score my brothers have to keep to qualify.
2- A cop is not going to put a fire out on duty with a small fire extinguisher that I can put out my self (I’m a firefighter)
3- Majority of the time we respond faster then the cops around here for emergency’s anyway. They are afraid they might get dirty.
4- I have band-aids.
Well, you probably are right with some of the holier than thou cops attitude, but I do have some simpathy. Most people hate cops, they deal on a daily basis with disgusting and evil people. So although I have problems with some indiviual cops and agree I'm not going to rely on them for anything, I do have some respect because that job has to suck.