Originally Posted by lefty
I still do not believe it is a gene, recessive or mutated. I should've made myself clearer about the "dying out" factor. Theoretically, if it WERE a gene, we would see a gradual decline in its presence. We do not see that. Also, many studies have been done with twins, where one of them was homosexual and the other wasn't. If it were a genetic trait, they would both be that way.
Concerning the "homosexual" behavior in animals...I believe this to be a common misconception. For example, some animals will seem to engage in homosexual acts when it is actually just a way for them to express dominance. Their motivations for doing so are not a well thought out attraction to the same gender as with homosexual humans.
If scientists somehow came up with a reason to explain homosexuality as a result of a gene, I would not abandon my Christian beliefs nor refuse to ignore that part of it. It is in the Bible, so it is so and will always be so. Scientists also claim that the earth is some 15 billion years old. That is not fact to me and nor will it ever be. I will take God's wisdom above man's supposed acquired knowledge anyday because, while humans can make mistakes, God is perfect. =)
I hope that answers your questions!
OK I just have to correct a couple points, there is no reason why the gene would die out, especially if it is recessive, nor if it were several gene markers needig to be present (I'm not saying i believe there is "one Gene"anyway)
When you say many studies it is interesting, because the most solid study ever done(I can't link to it or else i would, but it is on webMD) was done using twins, and genetic markers on many different genes, and it shows a rather interesting resuly quite contrary to what you believe. It also being done "double blind" and the second part of the study is underway right now
The wildlife thing, there are several that engage in straight out homosexual activity, all of their sexual activity is related to dominance so dismiss the homosexual part just does not wash with me. I know there are some well anti gay groups that try to dismiss it, but naturalist and biological scientists who have zero stake in the choice not choice argument have came out and said yup, there are homosexuals in other animals besides humans. There is even a pair of mated gay penguins at a new york zoo that have raised a chic...interesting
As far as answering my question yes it does.....now before you or anybody goes flaming me, let me state what I believe.
I believe that there is a genetic reason for it, now do I think that it is the only reason for it....nope. I think the genetics have to be there, and probably something enviromental sets it off as well. I'm just not sure. If science proves me wrong I'll accept it. If it is ever shown to me that it is a choice, I'll believe it, but as it leans right now, the studies have shown it to be geneticly linked, until I see a scientific study to suggest otherwise I see no reason to believe otherwise.