It seems the USA is turning into the USSA.
We've gone from the Constitution stating "We the people" to "We the Government ( who know better than the people)".
We've gone from the small weak Federal Government with strong State Governments to weak Sate Gov't with a huge strong fed Gov't.
We have gone from "provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare" to "provide general welfare and promote the common defense"
Politicians forget they work for us. They think we serve them.
About 50% of the US population is on some form of gov't assistance, and we wonder why we are split down the middle, and there is a class war going on.
Get out your dusty copy of the Declaration of Independance, Constitution and Bill of rights. Read it now, the ACLU is out to have it erased, as there is "God" in it.
This is not a D or R thing, but a trend in the country that the Gov't gets bigger and the people demand $$$ from the gov't. We are getting very close to "from each according to his means... to each according to his needs". I do not recall those words in our founding documents. Remember the Gov't at no level has money, except that which they pry out of your pocket. Spend wisely.