Originally Posted by
Mr. Guitar
Ok, y'all first of all I'm about tired of hearin' about the "War" in Iraq. It hasn't been declared a war. Vietnam wasn't declared as a war, by the way. Let me say a few things to stdreb27.
"Lets think about going invading a country for oil. vs say alaska.
In Iraq we put service men in the line of fire. Costs a couple thousand lives.
In alaska we kill a few birds and seals, a fish or two.
In Iraq it would and will cost billions of dollars rebuilding infastructure, oilwells basically have to be rebuilt.
In alaska we already have some roads and ports. And we have to drill.
There still political instability in Iraq
There isn't political instability in Alaska.
you would have to pay hazard pay in iraq
you wouldn't have to pay hazard pay in alaska.
I've got a great Idea lets invade a country for its oil when eventually it is going to join opec anyway and screw us anyway.
In Iraq we are setting up a democracy. To get political and social stability in a region to that has been mired in turmoil for longer than we have been a country. How would we take oil from that country? It doesn't make any sense.
Historically invading a country to strip it of its resources don't work. (british tea company in India)
If big oil industries were behind doing this. They would have to be just stupid. Especially since we are sitting on a find that would yield millions of barrells of oil in the US. If it were really about oil we never ever would have set foot in iraq. We could get more out of alaska. with must less fiscal and human costs."
Are you completly out of your mind? If we kill a few birds, seals, and fish that could completly destroy the ecology of Alaska. NO you can't just dig a hole in the ground in Alaska and start drillin. There's a thing called Frozen, you see, and that means the ground is frozen and you can't get to the oil. Just to inform you the fighting in Iraq isn't about oil. Our GREAT President, Mr. Bush, thought Iraq was a threat to the United States. It was either wait until thousands of Americans get killed first or go over there and fight before they attack. Which do you prefer? Better yet would you like the fightin goin on here? Just curious. Anyway, I hope all y'all who are 18+ voted yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!! If not you aren't doin your duty as an American Citizen.
but owell, what is more important? let me put it into a sentence. A human life or two vs a few birds seals and fish? as far as going into iraq to pilage for oil. And second if we really went into iraq to take there oil there is a better much cheaper alternative. With probably better returns. The deposit i was talking about isn't frozen under.
and actually I have LOTS of family over there. Putting themselves in danger. And they aren't just grunts, they are very good at what they do. And well after next sysmester I'm going in too. (joining the military haven't signed my life away yet) but yeah. hey read all my posts. i wasn't knocking the whole iraq thing.