POLL: What will you be doing in regards to your tank today?


We are finally getting our protein skimmer hooked up and running. Will also do the final rearranging with one area of the liverock that I'm not happy with. What about you?


New Member
tank #1
toppin off, added coral banded shrimp from cleaner pack, clean skimmer cup, feed, add umbrella mushroom, and enjoy!!
tank #2
toppin off, added rest of cleaner pack, 4 cardinal fish (hope not to much at once!) adjust media, feed, and enjoy!!


Active Member
1) top off
2) feed
3) acclimate new mandarin i finally got the courage to buy :)
4) worry the rest of the night that the mandarin is ok for the rest of its life.


worried LTA is on the move
worried Sun coral is still closed
worried Toadstool doesnt' open as big as yesterday
worried the Zoas go slid off by the crabs
worried Cal, PH and ALK are going south
worried the timer's going nuts.
too much worry for a hobby, I think.

40 galons

since i change my water every week i will be :
changing water, 10 gallons,
wonder why this green crap on my sand isnt going away,
cleaning skimmer and overflow sponge,
refill and chill ...


getting a 75 drilled, finish building it a new stand, plumbing it and hopefully moving everything from my 55 to the 75 next week.


Active Member
1. Clean skimmer cup
2. Top off
3. Worry about temp going to high
4. Feed at night
5. Super glue my shroom to a rock


cleaned out qt, everything is organized. fish is doing great!
my tank is really clean, not much else to do to it except dose my tank with kalk (refill).
maybe frag a mushroom or two.


Staring at the tank while thinking....."Im one week late on my water change, maybe I should change the water today....ahe ill just do the water change tomorrow. I promise"


Added my first 5 crabs and 5 snails to start cleaning up the tank... other than that still watching the rocks.


Originally Posted by barchtruong
worried LTA is on the move
worried Sun coral is still closed
worried Toadstool doesnt' open as big as yesterday
worried the Zoas go slid off by the crabs
worried Cal, PH and ALK are going south
worried the timer's going nuts.
too much worry for a hobby, I think.
I thought I was the worry wart in the crowd.
Today I will fed the tang nuri. Top off with R/O water. Feed the tank Cyclopeeze. Feed the tank Artic pods later. Much later I will feed the tank Spirulina flakes. Throughout the day I will be staring at the tank and enjoying all my new frags! Thanks fellow reefers for all of them!