Polyp-looking things on glass?



Originally Posted by Jonny Bolt
The white squigly lines are just smudges left from when after I rubbed the glass with a towel.
The white specks with the green hairs coming off of them were what I was worried about. I dont think they were aptasia, only because they were so small and in there were so many of them. The pic is blurry, but if you look towards the top-right corner, you can see the white specks and the green hairs growing out of em.
ohhh, i see them now, kinda blurry... don't count out aptasia. they can be very small... they start from just little guys. Keep your eye out for them. They could also be dusters. There's really tiny tiny feather dusters. Look in the archives for a IOTM on dusters (written by celcanthr). There's info in there on them. If that's what they are, they're harmless...


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
Your correct and incorrect about the coral needing nutrients part. IF you read in the recent reef magazine, Xenias do quite well with some phosphates!!!! They actually do better with some then no phosphate. Each method works for different folks, my hair algae did NOT kill my corals for your information!! I keep all kinds of zoos, long tentacle plate coral, hammer coral, candy cane coral, pocillopora, pink bird's nest, blue millipora, green star polyps, blue line mushroom, RPE, brown & white pipe organ, bubble coral, pink tip frogspawn, etc etc. I might miss some stuffs I didn't type out. My tang decided to eat all the hair algae though. I was wanting to get rid of them once until I read on the web somewhere about how amphipods promote hair algae growth. I'll look it up once again and I'll try to e-mail it to some of you folks once I find that site again. Like I've said once before, if something works for one person, it doesn't mean it would work for another. Different opinions for different folks. If it works for you, so be it, no need to get snotty about it! :happyfish
now mikey, calm down there dear... no one was being rude, it was a simple debate, and as you can see, i won... i had the last word... tizzy ran scared with her tail between her legs!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
now mikey, calm down there dear... no one was being rude, it was a simple debate, and as you can see, i won... i had the last word... tizzy ran scared with her tail between her legs!

Jen, I'm quite calm!!

I see that you changed your avitar, where in the heck have you been??? I don't think I've seen you on here for awhile, unless I just missed you. As you can see my parrot as my avitar. :happyfish


yeah, i didn't recognize you without your trigger... Maybe you just didn't recognize me... i've been around. I changed my avtar about a month ago. I've been pretty busy at work, so last week i wasn't on that much. How've you been?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
yeah, i didn't recognize you without your trigger... Maybe you just didn't recognize me... i've been around. I changed my avtar about a month ago. I've been pretty busy at work, so last week i wasn't on that much. How've you been?
He is beautiful isn't he....Wish I can take him outside without having him freakin out and without crawling onto my shoulders and puts his head towards mine or tuck it underneath my chin hiding. I've been doing well, joined the local reef club and attended the frag swap last month and bought a bunch of new corals. Got some GREAT deals from there, my tank is looking great!!!! Also getting a sump/fuge system, it will be here by next week. So far salinity is at 1.026, 0 on everything, alk is normal, 450 for calcium, etc. So everything is looking fine. I wish I had a better camera for pic taking though, mine doesn't take good pic under the actinics unless the MH's are on. :happyfish


that's awesome... as you can see in my thread in the aquarium, joe wants a tank!!!
i have the sony cybershot (the uber thin one), and i absolutely love it. It takes the best pics!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
that's awesome... as you can see in my thread in the aquarium, joe wants a tank!!!
i have the sony cybershot (the uber thin one), and i absolutely love it. It takes the best pics!
That's great that your hubby wants you to help him with one!!! My partner helps me out with mine. :happyfish


oh no, he wants me to help him with one! it'll be his, and i'll just teach him. I'm so excited. We can carry this conversation on in my thread in the aquarium, or we'll get booted for going off topic and hijacking a thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
oh no, he wants me to help him with one! it'll be his, and i'll just teach him. I'm so excited. We can carry this conversation on in my thread in the aquarium, or we'll get booted for going off topic and hijacking a thread.
Yea I know!!! So to the original poster, how's those algae today???

jonny bolt

Ya, ah-hum, back on subject

The stuff hasnt appeared back quickly. I saw a few more starting to bloom in the same spot. But I wiped em away again. I am do for a water change anyway this week.
I bet my Pygmy Angel would've eaten them, but the Angel is sick and not eating very much, so it is going into my hospital tank to be treated with Maracyn 2. It has Septicemia. Hopefully I can get it back to proper health.