Poop is the questions? Can you answer


So, I have a rather large tank. salt water reef obviously. Lots of fish and LR. I had a problem with algea, lots and lots. I check my phospate levels and I adjusted my lights, bit it still was growing pretty good. So, I went to the store and got a dozen turbo snails and some extra crabs and now they have the algea under control but there pooping up the tank like crazy. Its every where, and lots of it. So, the question is what to do with all that poop. Will it disolve? If so wont that make more algea grow and perpetuate the cycle? Should I clean it up some how? And if yes how??
Please help me with my poop troubles.. Thanks. :notsure:

bang guy

Cirratulid Worms, Cerith Snails, Gammarus Amphipods, Copepods, Munnidae Isopods, and the typical Bristle Worm will all clean up after your snails.

bang guy

The Premium Live sand sold here will provide most of that you just need to buy the Cerith snails seperate, also sold here.


i have around 280lbs of arginate sand in my new 125, how much live sand should i buy t activate my sand?

bang guy

The small box could do it in a month, the large box could do it in a week. I believe the end result would be the same.