porcupine and dogface together ??


In my 30 gal.for about 6 months now... my porcupine puffer is getting a little bigger 4-5 in..would he be safe in my 125 gal. w/ a dogface who has been in there about 6 months, and is about inch or 2 bigger..the 125 also house's a yellow tang,lunar wrasse coral cat and a batfish.. thanxs


Active Member
NO IT WILL NOT WORK! Mixing a Pork and Dog in 99% of the cases leads to the killing of the Pork by the Dog (which by nature is a much meaner fish with much sharper nasty teeth). To learn more about Puffs go to my homepage.


Active Member
Porks are what I call a personality plus fish. I have had many fish (hundreds I dare say FW and SW over the years) and yet if I could have only one fish it would be a Pork no question.


New Member
I dont think that is totally true..I have a porcupine and a stars and stripes in a 115 for about 2 years now, and I have two dogfaces with a porcupine in my 200 for like 8 months now..I dont understand why you say they wont work together. Everytime I mix puffers they are fine..


Active Member
Sean what I am saying is it does not work period. I have told a story about dogs and porks more times and frankly most of the members have read it enough. Suffice to say at some point maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday you will find out why I say what every book out there that gives comp charts says and that is do not mix Dogs and Porks. I am not trying to be nasty but because one person gets away with something for a while it does not make what is common knowledge about the two species less truthful. I also said 99% of the time, you may be the 1% that will have it work, but frankly I know of no one- repeat no one that has tried it to have succeded in the end. I do not want any members here to believe it can be done and that is why I put my point across as I am doing (not to be a jerk). I will repeat one thing I have said before and that is how many stores have you ever been in that have those 2 fish (Dog/Pork) in the same tank let alone 2 of the same species (Dog-Dog/ Pork/Pork) in a tank either.


New Member
I don't in any way feel the need nor want to start a battle over this. I have been in the hobby for years and years and keep a close eye on my tanks. I have also kept two dog faces in the same tank (never two porks) many, many times. Fish just like humans, sometimes get along and sometimes dont! If it dosent work for you then dont do it. BUT, never preach to people about something you read. I mean just this morning I saw that the National Inquirer said that ELVIS is alive. Let people live and learn, its the only way to become a true hobbiest.


ahh but his question was do you think it will work. puffer (mostlikely the most knowledgable person here concerning those types of fish) said what he thought. if you disagree this is fine, this is a bbs and is just WHAT WE THINK other people should know.
Besides Puff is right in my opionion, (not that I am perfect mind you) dogs and porcs usually do not live long together. if you are pulling it off, then you got luckly and you are the MAN! But it does not mean that every one else can do it.
Anyway have nice day. :D


New Member
You know...This has nothing to do with being the MAN as you stated it. It has to do with the different personality traits of each different speicies of fish. I have gotten lucky in your opinion, thats just what it is, opinion. I have no doubt whatsoever that pufferlover is VERY knowledgeable about the species in question. I was just simply stating the fact that I personally have had tremendous luck keeping porcupines and dogfaces together..


Active Member
I was a bit afraid that my post might start a bit of a back and forth, and that is why I tried to not close the door completely on what anyone was saying. My concern is the new people who may think hey if so and so does it I can to. My point was to make sure that the readers realize it is very seldom successful for the long term health of the fish involved. I mentioned the story but did not tell it as I have done so many times but quickly it is simple this. A good lfs I used to go to had a Pork in a display tank (and it was good sized) someone brought in a equal sized Dog that they wanted to get rid of. The owner of the store who should have known better put it in with the Pork and within a week the Dog tore every fin off the Pork during one night time period.
Now I will go one step further here (but I feel I am out on a limb that is very thin). If one were to buy both fish as babies and put them in same tank same time, maybe just maybe it could work. I wouldn't do it but I have done such things with other fish and it has worked for me. Frankly I just adore Dogs and Porks and would never gamble that I would be that lucky 1% that it would work for (my whole life has been in the other 99% most times lol).This being said I will leave it for the buyers to decide for themselves, I have given my very best advice on this subject.