Possible 29g Stocklist


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Originally Posted by nYgel
they are SOMETIMES not always, really any fish can turn aggresive
Ya any fish can turn aggresive


Active Member
One of my tanks is a 28 gallon bow. In there I have two false percs, a bicolor blenny, a bubble tip anemone, a brittle star, a couple of cleaner shrimp, a couple of emerald crabs, a few hermits and snails, a toadstool leather coral, and an assortment of zoanthids and mushrooms. All are healthy and well.
The key with any tank, but I think especially for a smaller tank like this, is to go slow! I started out with a small cleanup crew for a few months after my cycle, then added the perculas, and then slowly added various other critters. I've certainly lost some things along the way (when in doubt, leave it out), but all in all it has been a very stable healthy little setup.
Best of luck!


Originally Posted by bjoe23
there not that aggressive
Try to add any other fish after 6line and you will see how aggrassive they are. Problem with gramma and 6line they are both bossy fishes 2 bosses in 29g you will have some problems. But at the end its your tank i am just giving you advise with my experience with those fishes. Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bluemantr
Try to add any other fish after 6line and you will see how aggrassive they are. Problem with gramma and 6line they are both bossy fishes 2 bosses in 29g you will have some problems. But at the end its your tank i am just giving you advise with my experience with those fishes. Good luck.
ok maybe ill put 6line in first and see if he is aggressive then see how it goes, thanks


maelv said:
For your stocklist:
Shrimp gobies
Randall's Goby
Firefish (personally I like the purple one, but they are a little more expensive)
Clown Goby
Neon Goby
Jawfish (entertaining to watch...unfortunately they are jumpers, make sure you have a lid or some other cover, eggcrate, etc....I lost mine cause it jumped and I had no cover)
Lawnmower Blenny
Longnose Hawkfish (pretty coolQUOTE]
i definitely agree on the firefish as well! i have a purple firefish and i love her! AMAZING colors with the lights on and she's always right out front and center. not a heavy swimmer so she handles my 24gal pretty well


Originally Posted by maelv
Never had a problem with my sixline.....quite the peaceful fish....loved the activity it provided however, always busy around the rock work...
For your stocklist:
Shrimp gobies
Randall's Goby
Firefish (personally I like the purple one, but they are a little more expensive)
Clown Goby
Neon Goby
Jawfish (entertaining to watch...unfortunately they are jumpers, make sure you have a lid or some other cover, eggcrate, etc....I lost mine cause it jumped and I had no cover)
Lawnmower Blenny
Longnose Hawkfish (pretty cool)...don't have a swim bladder, so they tend to just swim long enough to find somewhere to perch
Personally, other than green chromis (because it is cool to see a school of them), I stay away from Damsels. Royal Gramma's are cool, I have never had any experiece with them, but have seen them returned several times at a LFS because they were rather nasty...Good luck...
i definitely agree on the firefish as well! i have a purple firefish and i love her! AMAZING colors with the lights on and she's always right out front and center. not a heavy swimmer so she handles my 24gal pretty well


Active Member
firefish are extremely boring in my 29g, it was literally just there. . . nothing else, and they look decent btu still... if something is just gonna sit there, it might as well be a coral . . . look up the cherub angels, best smaller fish imo


i added my sixline then the royal gramma and there have been no aggression problems at all.
The tank size is 35 gallons


Active Member
Originally Posted by azul1994
i added my sixline then the royal gramma and there have been no aggression problems at all.
The tank size is 35 gallons

ya i might add the 6line first because there's a nice one at LFS. then clown and then gramma.
And still accepting suggestions on last fish


I have a a royal gramma, 2 green chromis, 1 yellow tail blue damsel, a shrimp and some cleaner crew in my nano (its smaller than 29). I had a small coral beauty that we got to put in our larger tank...I put her in the small one while we are waiting for the 55g to cycle, the gramma (though my favorite in the tank) took a big ol' bite out of her tail within a couple of days. Unfortunately she(the coral beauty) was sick within 2 days of getting her and despite all my efforts (didn't have a QT then, now I do) she died of some disease (cloudy eye type of thing)
I am just hoping when we move her (the gramma) to the 55g with the other new fish (I am looking at a fairy wrasse and maybe a flame angel and something else to add to the 4 I have) that she is not as aggressive because I want the other fish to be happy, her and the damsel are a site to watch!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kelley5454
I have a a royal gramma, 2 green chromis, 1 yellow tail blue damsel, a shrimp and some cleaner crew in my nano (its smaller than 29). I had a small coral beauty that we got to put in our larger tank...I put her in the small one while we are waiting for the 55g to cycle, the gramma (though my favorite in the tank) took a big ol' bite out of her tail within a couple of days. Unfortunately she(the coral beauty) was sick within 2 days of getting her and despite all my efforts (didn't have a QT then, now I do) she died of some disease (cloudy eye type of thing)
I am just hoping when we move her (the gramma) to the 55g with the other new fish (I am looking at a fairy wrasse and maybe a flame angel and something else to add to the 4 I have) that she is not as aggressive because I want the other fish to be happy, her and the damsel are a site to watch!
im surprised the gramma did that not the damsel
Thanks for the info!


Here is what I have
2 Small False Perculas
1 Bangaii Cardinal
1 Royal Gramma
1 Yellow Wrasse
4 Small Hermits
Live Sand
No Rocks


Active Member
There are 2 kinda of royal gramma's. One is brazilian (aggressive). The other is Carribean (moderately peaceful) Dont put a tang in that tank.