Possible 29g Stocklist


2 Small False Perculas
1 Bangaii Cardinal
1 Royal Gramma
1 Yellow Wrasse
4 Small Hermits
Live Sand
If I add a fire shrimp is my tank going to explode- bioload wise


Active Member
Originally Posted by jocomaster
ya base rock
yesterday i went to the LFS and bought 5 lbs of cured LR and I have them in my tank now!
can u post some pics of ur tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
There are 2 kinda of royal gramma's. One is brazilian (aggressive). The other is Carribean (moderately peaceful) Dont put a tang in that tank.
how can u tell the difference?


Active Member
The brazilian has a larger mouth and does not have yellow stripes on its head. The Caribbean has smaller mouth and has the yellow stripes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
The brazilian has a larger mouth and does not have yellow stripes on its head. The Caribbean has smaller mouth and has the yellow stripes.
are u sure?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jocomaster
How do i post a picture?
copy and past of post attachment in additional opoitions under post


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Originally Posted by zeke92
can't have a nano without a clownfish
cant have a SWF tank without a clown


Active Member
Originally Posted by jocomaster
Here is my tank
nice, is it like a biocube or aqua pod, or is it just a regular 29 gal tank


the two clowns will be great and I would ad a sixline wrasse, those guys love the "ins" and outs" of the rock work and are fun to watch.... heres my 29 gallon...


Active Member
Originally Posted by cmc3502
the two clowns will be great and I would ad a sixline wrasse, those guys love the "ins" and outs" of the rock work and are fun to watch.... heres my 29 gallon...
thats nice, ya im gunna get a clown or 2, sixline wrasse, royal gramma, and then ill play it by year from there


Active Member
Originally Posted by cmc3502
i recently added a white sand sifting goby and hes great at keeping the sand turned over
cool, do they sell them on this site?


srry bout interupting but i was wounderin since we are on the topic about how many fish could confortably fit into a 55 gal tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gobyguy9686
srry bout interupting but i was wounderin since we are on the topic about how many fish could confortably fit into a 55 gal tank
were not really on that topic ........and it depends on what kinds of fish