Post Pics Of Your Clownfish


Active Member
HA HA even if I wanted to Lex my clown would beat the S**t outta me. Thanks any way I grew fond of it over the past year I think I will hang on to her. LOL
However if and or when it splits I will be looking for potential buyers of the clones.


Active Member
Let me know when/if it does split. As for the clowns i've found that my three striped damsel attacks me when my arm is in the tank, not my clowns. In fact both clowns will very gently rub up against my arm and gently pic at my arm as if trying to eat. But my damsel will literally grab onto my arm and shake violently, doesn't really hurt just feels like a pintching sensation, it just scares me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Let me know when/if it does split. As for the clowns i've found that my three striped damsel attacks me when my arm is in the tank, not my clowns. In fact both clowns will very gently rub up against my arm and gently pic at my arm as if trying to eat. But my damsel will literally grab onto my arm and shake violently, doesn't really hurt just feels like a pintching sensation, it just scares me.
Will do on the anemone. I know its a good sign but 1 year now and no splitting... LOL (patiently waiting)
Well they are all of the same... Depending on the species and size anemone fish can give you quite bite. Take a look at a B&W Saddle backs mouth sometime, especially the larger ones, they have teeth that are very very visible and nasty looking.


Originally Posted by hexedagain1
Does your n-a-k-e-d clown to the right have a white spot on his back? It looks like it in the picture.
Very nice clown pairs.
Yeah, one of them has a white mark on the cheek and then the white spot on the top where the middle bar would have been and the other has a white mark on the cheek on the opposite side.

This one, white mark on one cheek only, white spot on top middle

This one, white mark on one side of cheek only