Post Pics Of Your Clownfish



Originally Posted by calikit
Is that a bubble tip anemone? Do percula clowns host them?

True percs will host bubble tips, but you cant always be for sure.. some wont have that instinct.
and no its not a BTA, its Alveopora.
like i said on another thread.. ive read that in the wild Clownfish like to play in alveopora.... they go crazy for it.. sort of like a cat with catnip.
Mines always nibbling on the alveopora heads.. the flower shaped things.... and rubbing himself on it and cleans it/feeds it


Originally Posted by wcroft987
waiting for them to host my carpet!

those are some freakin awesome clowns... i want one that color.. wish mine would just fill in like that, if not im still buying it a mate with bold black like that.
BTW... our carpets hostable??? theyre so aggressive they just kill anything they can get a hold of..


Active Member
Carpets can be very aggressive... but they are also considered a good host for Perc's its a gamble. IMO bubble tips are the best anenomes to use they are not nearly as aggressive, are the most tolerable to change in their environment and dont require T-5's or MH to keep them happy.
ANY WHO>>> HERE ARE MINE Just purchased these 2 last night.. sold as a pair. Not mated but as an accepted pair they coexist as buds right now.. I cant believe I found these 2 like this and the price was a steal...ENJOY..

Im not sure how these guys will turn out but they are not much longer than 1" long and still juvenilles I am hoping I get their coloration close to an Onyx perc. They have a ton of black on them for being sooo young.



Here's my Black Ocellaris (who has recently hosted with some orange zoos
, haven't been able to get a pic yet)

and here's my two Orange Ocellaris clowns (who still have not hosted with ANYTHING



Reefer545 is that a

clown....i saw a few the other day and fell in love with's a crappy pic of my misbar...


Reefer545 is that a "

" or "----" saw one the other day and wanted is a pic of my misbar...


Really nice clowns guys... lets keep those pics coming.
Show Us Your Clown.


Here is Mickey and Mallory. The boyfriend is hoping that Mickey's stripes will turn gold like Mallory's but I like having a mismatched pair of maroons.


Very nice maroons kirkland.
Cmon lets see those pics... ill throw some more in there...
Pic #1 is few months old but thats how it is when the lights barely go on.....
the rest i just took.



Very nice clowns Rod,....
Rod, Where can i get clowns like that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by skipperdz
lefty and righty in the nano

lil roja in the 55g

I love those skunk clowns. Can you tell me how big they are?? Do you find them as easy to take care of as the other clowns??
They say that the skunk clowns are the most shy of the clowns is this true??
They are beautiful and so is that anemone. Thanks for sharing.....

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
IMO bubble tips are the best anenomes to use they are not nearly as aggressive, are the most tolerable to change in their environment and dont require T-5's or MH to keep them happy.
could i keep one in my 6g nano that has been set up for about a year and a half if i fed it dilversides regularly and with 10000k 18w pcs? and here is a pic of my maroon. its a horrible pic ill take a better one later.


Active Member
With your current set up... IMO I would say no, your tank is too small for an anenome. As for your hardware you def have enough to support one. Although BTA's tend to move in the beggining and once they have found thir happy place they will stay put for a while. But even the smallest bta's can triple their size at any given time because they are happy content or just.... because, making them dwarf your tank and its inhabitants.

ric maniac

Active Member
how about if i have 15w pcs in a 5g hex? with high flow an it has been set up for a long time but nothing is in it or has been for months. could i make it a tank with nothing but clean up crew a pair of a SMALL species of clown and a bta? just wondering. dont worry, if it wont work i wont do it.