Post Pics Of Your Clownfish


And my Ocellaris Clown. The other one is staying right next to the eggs and won't come out. They lay eggs every 2 weeks. They will be going to a new home in the basement as soon as I set up my new 220 and I can catch these little guys.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by hariii2
Hey Keith, do they both lay eggs? I was thinking of splitting up a tank with plexiglass to have 2 sets of clowns in the same tank.
I will be breeding clowsn not up a runing but will post one day.



Lets keep this baby going..........
post pics of your clowns!!! or any updates!!
ill post an update.. got my perc a mate few weeks ago.... she beat the crud out of him for the first few hours... then stopped and she would always swim with him... then a few days after that she finally let him in the LTA...

some pics
new one is the one with the more black inbetween stripes
