Post pics of your most expensive animal!


Huma for $40? Man that's outrageous!! Got mine at the LFS for $19.....
Anyway, this is my most expensive fish at $30 (not that expensive compared to most but hey). Most expensive and possibly the biggest camera hog I've ever had. Every pic of this tank that I take, she has to be in it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jacksdad
:hilarious :hilarious :hilarious
:hilarious :hilarious
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.
Yea, well this is the second time in 3 months she broke the same leg (was out of the cast a total of 2 weeks).

Damn dog. :mad:
Anyone know of a fish that can finish her off....and not leave evidence? :notsure:


Nice copperband. I tried a copperband and a threadfin, and they both died within 2 days. I was pissed. Before that I had a pakistan, and he lived a week after getting ick and dinally died. Now butterfly fishes have left a bad taste in my mouth, so I don't want to try them anymore, but they are so PRETTY!


Read 'em and weep!!! Yeah thats right! Not one but TWO green reef chromises. These things priced out at about 4.99 a pice making a total of just over 10 dollers!! They are my first fish, making them my most expensive. haha sorry but I had to post them. I love these guys!



my most expensive fish is a 1500 dollar koi but my cameras broken......
i'll try to post in about a week. my most expensive saltwater fish is my 8 inch clown trigger. $50


Active Member
My honeycomb moray eel. Hes about 3 feet long now & big around as a cue ball. Eats everything he can sink his teeth into including fingers! I paid $150 for 'em.


Batman1820, where in the heck did you find a clown for that little??? They have tiny baby ones at my lfs for no less than $50, and if they are 4" or bigger, they are $100 or more. I have found one for $69 at a different lfs, and he was about 4" probably. Fish are like jeans to me. I don't care what kind they are, I don't see me spending more than $40 on them.


New Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ1
dont laugh, here is mine, payed 20 for the pair. 9.99 each
omg they are like 15 bucks each at the ***** by me


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheGrog
Yea, well this is the second time in 3 months she broke the same leg (was out of the cast a total of 2 weeks).

Damn dog. :mad:
Anyone know of a fish that can finish her off....and not leave evidence? :notsure:
A Great White maybe??

the reef

my most expensive was my live rock cost me 500 dollars for my 80 gallon trigger tank and 800 for my reef tank


My prized Naso tang 12" with streamers. Sadly he passed away.
Not enough room in my 180 and I took him back to the LFS. He passed away about 5 months after I took him back.
I think I paid $300 for him. Beautiful fish but they need BIG tanks, even a 180 is too small in my opinion.


That would be Princecess the $500 Yellow German Shephard and Shiba the $650 Shiba Inu. Princess is being nursed by us at home right now going through kidney failure. The vet says she only has a couple more days to live but she doesnt know how much my wife and I love Princess and how much she loves us!! Keep your fingers crossed for us.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pitbull01
A Great White maybe??
She wouldn't even be a snack to one. A Volitan lion would probably work!