Post pics of your Tangs!!

ledzep fan

Active Member
Sorry Dogstar for jumping on you like that. I was just in the worst mood. I wasn't happy with the fish I have in my 120 gallon right now. I get so jealous when I see all these beautiful pics of everyone's tank with all the nice tangs and ect,. Tangs are my favorite fish. I'm just so upset with it and myself. I can't even get Coraline to grow!! :mad: I'm sorry for coming to a conclusion so fast about your tank and fish. Again I apologize.
The Zep


Active Member
dogstar, great looking tangs you have there and a beautiful tank
Nm Reef also beautiful tangs.I love to see the pictures that you post cause they usually are the most unusal poses and angles but that is what makes them sooo great
>Always a pleasure to see


Active Member
dogstar. im thinking to have 3 yellow tang, i purple, 1 blue, 1 naso?,and kole tang you think it might work? and 2 250 watts retro metal halide with 260 actinic i have a cube 4x3x30"


You all have beautiful Tangs and tanks! Here are a couple of pics of Dolly and Sunny. I'm sure you'll all be able to tell who is who.
I hope I do this right so that you can see the pics :notsure:



Active Member
alyssia...I'm sorry I don't know. I think you are referring to the branching piece of is actually a piece of bleached dead coral I put in the tank years ago, so it probably looks "real" but actually was originally a dead piece, now probably growing stuff. I think you can do this for seahorses...but if you are doing dwarf horses, you may want something with a bit skinnier branches.


You all have beautiful Tangs! I have a sailfin but he has HLLD
. What do you all feed your Tangs to keep them looking so amazing?


Active Member
Zep, no problem. I really didnt take you comments that bad, I just responded to try and keep the thread under control. ( you know how bad some get, I know most mean well ) Plus Ive heard it all befor.
I understand the jealous thing and sometimes I see others and feel the same way. This hobby will do that to people. Jeer up.
I love tangs as well and think most hobbiest do too, all of the animals in the hobby can be tricky and all deserve the proper research and care.
Bullit, those are intresting dimentions but because you asked, IMO I would scap the Naso, I feel they DO need more room than most. Very active fish but a small one would work for a while. Square tanks do limit along one side but do have distance from corner to opposite corners so if rock is not blocking to much then theres room there.
The lighting should be fine for most corals and inverts, ect. for a reef but for the fish, normal NOs or PCs are enough.
Sleasia, love the Bluestreak. I hope yours is doing well. Very cool fish and great personality. Im not recomending others try one without research. But I do still have mine now for 5 years as well.

NM, that last shot is such a quality photo, very well done, as is all you shots. Talking about jealousy, haha
Heres some more shots, same Tangy Fish......



Active Member
dogstar...this is really bad...I don't know what a bluestreak is? do I have one? what the it? or are you talking about my cleaner wrasse??? This is what is so bad...sometimes I think I know stuff, only to keep finding out I know nothing.
I guess that's what is so cool about this hobby...the never ending quest to find the answers
Also NM i love that last shot!
and someone wanted to know what to feed tangs. well they need alot of veggies, mine all love it when I clip seaweed sheets (nori) they like purple, green and brown. but to be sure they get vitamins, I also give them frozen mysis which I thaw in about 4ml of tank water with a few drops of vit C, a drop of zoe, drop of garlic extreme, and a few drops of zoecon...because some of the fish I have need algaes and seaweeds and some need meaty shrimp, I usually feed at least twice a day, morning seaweed, and night shrimps...I had been feeding more because I was testing out continuously 0 nitrates with saltwater master...but recently I got all the salifert tests and they showed my nitrates to be 10, so now I cut down my feeds to twice a day. I know some people only feed once a day, and there are some who feed only a few times a week.....


Active Member
I thank you for keeping me inspired. Tangs are the epitome of this hobby, to me--plus the foxface! Your pics will keep me inspired to strive for the "ultimate tank", if there is such a thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bullitr
dogstar . are you using chiller and what kind. is jbj 1/3 hp good enough?
I have a 5 year old 1/4 HP CSL chiller. I have had to fix a leak and replace the fan once.
I would think a 1/3 HP would work on a 220g. I dont know if JBJ is a quality one or not.