Post pics of your Tangs!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bullitr
dogstar . are you using chiller and what kind. is jbj 1/3 hp good enough?

For what its worth, I use a 1/4 JBL Artica chiller on my 210 and love it.


Great pics everyone! I don't have any tangs.
I've read my 75g is too small for tangs. I wanted a kole tang but even that will outgrow a 75g, so I've heard.
I most definetly will add a few tangs when I build my 270g though...coming in 2008.


Originally Posted by 1911_Guy
Great pics everyone! I don't have any tangs.
I've read my 75g is too small for tangs. I wanted a kole tang but even that will outgrow a 75g, so I've heard.
I most definetly will add a few tangs when I build my 270g though...coming in 2008.
You're right Adult Tangs are way to big for a 75....but if you get a juvi you should be fine till u get a bigger tang....just my 2cents.


Active Member
3 yellow tang
1 purple tang
1 blue tang
1 koletang or foxface
1 niger trigger
1 flame angel
1 porcupine puffer
a couple of chromis
on a reef tank
260 watts pc actinic
2 250 watts metal halide retro
1/3 hp jbj chiller
on 225 cube tank
2 anemones gbta
a couple of mushroom
star and button polyps
and colt coral
hermit crabs and snails
im planning this for a while. my tank is still occupied by my very aggresive stock that i have to sand/ polish the scratch done by my dogface

sinner's girl

A yellow tang is why I got into this hobby, 6 years later and I still don't have one...
great pic's I love the unicorn tang!


Active Member
bullit. PPs are not good in reefs or most triggers but the Niger is one of the safest but still a gamble IMO. Everything else sounds good and are great choices, The Blue is a Regal/Hippo??
Chromis normally do better in odd numbered groups. I suggest getting 5 or more.
Healthy BTAs normally turn into 2 anyway because they often split but up to you if you want to buy 2.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03
nice tangs every1 and anyone ever kept a convict tang? im thinking about it
I've tried convicts a couple of times in different tanks and did not have very good success. The convicts swam back and forth accross the tank, but I was never able to get them to eat. I am sssuming that they starved to death.


Active Member
Finally a picture of all four of our tangs!! The yellows have finally except the hippo as one of their own


Active Member
dogstar i have already have 2 10" gbta on my 28g.i have a friend that have pp on his reef and its doing well for over 2 years now and i meant blue hippo tang thank you