Post pics of your Tangs!!



Originally Posted by hooktonfsh
This is our Powder Brown Tang " Browdy "

I know this is a tang thread but I LOVE your puffer!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Kevin yes! Dont put one under 180
Ya thats what I thought. Just double checking


first time post pictures on here so here is my naso tang. I have it for over 3 yrs now. When the first time i got him, he were really cripple and beat up...therefore you can see his fin looks really weird, well i manage to save his life.

before tank without live rocks


Originally Posted by goodwin9
A picture of one of my favorites, Mustard tang (Jewel tang).

My local pet store had one of these that was like 6" it was really cool! They didnt know what it was called though.

ledzep fan

Active Member
I realize that this is a old thread, but I wanted to get some more ideas for my tank. And there are alot more tangs out there!!

ledzep fan

Active Member
Very nice Tomini Tang! I was considering getting one myself. Comon people, I know there are more out there. You can repeat tangs


Originally Posted by LedZep fan
Very nice Tomini Tang! I was considering getting one myself. Comon people, I know there are more out there. You can repeat tangs

Yea, I love the little guy, hes only about 3in now, and is quite shy, one of the first to run and hide if theres any quick movement outside the tank or if my hand is in there. Seems to be the thing with the bristletooth's though.


Active Member
"Fatty fatty tubba goo"

Hard to get a sideways pic of him, he's always up eating or begging for food!