Glad you think that your eel is all that healthy, in which is not what it really is underneath the whole thing for yes, the eel is strong and could turnover LR, but long term speaking, your eel isn't all that healthy as you may think it be.
Know this, eels in the wild not feed all as often that most hobbyists who owns one and feeds the eel twice a week or more. Know this as well that body fat will develope within ones eel as each year goes by. For eels often not feed for weeks in the wild and we are feeding them ever so often, one here must sit back and think about this before making claims.
AW, I had a different post ready and changed my mind, but what is even more of a showboat then rather a person of professionalism other then he or she acts like they are, it is very unwise to hand feed this eel, the dragon moray. From your many times boasting this, that you hand fed her is only being more of a show off then a person who is a professional hobbyist.
You about two years ago or less were saying you were going to have six dragons in your 200 gal tank, that im afraid would be a mistake, you might had however done it with four with a s*** load of LR. There is one other thing your lacking, and that is, these dragons will house together in the same lair when are young juveniles, when near grown adults, they not hide together the very same lair, but rather near by too one another.
Clown Triggers to 14"
I not remember you having a 14" CT, but you did once had both, a clown and queen trigger and for some reason, they died on you and they weren't any bigger then 5"-5.5", if that. You also had an angelfish, it too not lasted as well.
I've also seen numerous Dragons that were very mild mannered
I said this long time ago that these eel when well feed enough will appear ever so mild manner and when hungry, it will be on the hunt and will even kill or bite at any fish even if too large.
There are, however, always exceptions to the rule.
Just another show off, for even a sfe could give anyone a nasty little bite and it will hurt something awful and when AW eel bite him, it will be much worst, so use a feeding stick as everyone else is doing.
Sounds like you have done a good job weening her off her aggressivness
Most eels that are aggressive can be "house broken"
As long as someone who is most likely feeding his eel every 2-3 days, his eel will most likely act as she is house broken, but if AW was to lets say feed her once a week, he will be placing himself at risk of injury. Again, it is like I was saying, a not so hungry eel will not be as aggressive, a hungry one would rip his fingers off, just like in that video about 4-5 months were some diver thought he was feeding a tame eel, it not knew where the food ends and the guys fingers begin. Again, anyone who with eels like a dragon says to often they handfed their eel, isn't being professional, but rather only looking to show off. So please everyone, done let AW have you thinking that you can do this and not become injured, ever.
There be a number of other hobbyists, not here but at other links who even tried to hand feed a sfe and one guy was bitten good, good thing for him that his sfe was quite small still at the time. It is bad advice to listen to one telling you of handfeeding and makes it sound all so easy.
If a person who is too only feed some eel in their tank, not would be feeding all to often, but once a week or longer, the eel if healthy enough will act out aggressively to the food offering, specially the first strip of fish or octopus, squid, etc.
It all depends on what one want to believe and being that most always here and there hear something bad about hand feeding some eel and the owner gets bitten and most others always say that it not pay to try and hand feed their eels.
Now understand, above is my professional opinion to do within moray eels and nothing other then telling it as it really is, no one would ever hear from me that they could try and hand feed their eel
God Bless