Post pictures of your eels here


Active Member
Here is my Snow Flake. Its between 17-20 inches long (hard to measure when it is moving) and loves to eat cocktail shrimp. The weird thing is that it lets my two cleaner shrimp in his mouth to clean up after him and doesn't enjoy a second snack.


its about36 inches long and a half inch around. the family name is muranidae.i have had it for 7 months. it eats well. it likes small pieces of silver side.


it is very thin. some people try to tell me its a ribbon eel but its not. i got it for a good price so i got it.


New Member
MAN I miss my SFE, I had him for over 6 yrs be4 he died, i was on vaction and my mom was watching the tanks and forgot to put the brick back on the top. He was @2.5 ft long and maybe 4 or 5 inches in diameter. He was only 10 inches when I got him. I have a 75 gal cycling that I might getanother SFE but not sure yet cause my wife wants a reef tank.
Have any of yall ever kept an eel with corals?


New Member
Originally Posted by Jamos5790
MAN I miss my SFE, I had him for over 6 yrs be4 he died, i was on vaction and my mom was watching the tanks and forgot to put the brick back on the top. He was @2.5 ft long and maybe 4 or 5 inches in diameter. He was only 10 inches when I got him. I have a 75 gal cycling that I might getanother SFE but not sure yet cause my wife wants a reef tank.
Have any of yall ever kept an eel with corals?

I have Fimbriated/yellow headed eel with some pagoda and he doesnt bother it. In fact he doesnt respond to anything unlesshe's making his bed, or I stick the tongs in the water. Hes basically a trained dog, he just waits for me to pass by and pay him attention


Active Member
Am I the only one having trouble uploading pics to photobucket? I haven't been able to do it for a few days and I can't make my contribution