Post pictures of your tanks reef or fowlr!!!


Originally Posted by estein02 asked for it. The pictures don't really show the color the rocks are getting, but it is the best I have. It is a 65 gallon FOWLR. Have had it set up for about 2 months now, and I think that it is going well. Finally set up my QT this weekend so I probably have about weeks before I can add the first fish. I'm thinking about adding some zoas to all the tonga branch so, eventually, I think it will look pretty good. My patience is definitely being tested!
I'm trying to add images from photobucket and am having issues...have never done it that way before...trying to figure it out.
See if this works.


Originally Posted by estein02 asked for it. The pictures don't really show the color the rocks are getting, but it is the best I have. It is a 65 gallon FOWLR. Have had it set up for about 2 months now, and I think that it is going well. Finally set up my QT this weekend so I probably have about weeks before I can add the first fish. I'm thinking about adding some zoas to all the tonga branch so, eventually, I think it will look pretty good. My patience is definitely being tested!
I'm trying to add images from photobucket and am having issues...have never done it that way before...trying to figure it out.
Here they are the old fashioned way!



Active Member
Originally Posted by gregghia
Here you go... my 90gal. 3 Months old and doing well!
whats that bottle in your tank? looks good!


Originally Posted by PrevWon
Hey addicted, how many pounds of Live Sand do you have?
If I remember correctly...I used about 70-80# of aragonite reef sand and somewhere between 15-20# live sand to seed it.


Active Member
Just curious, what do you folks feel about my tank. I havn't placed a full tank shot of my tank before. This is the very first one. Curious to know what you see can be changed or keep the same? Very open to opinions.


Originally Posted by PrevWon
Ok, cool. So the 40lbs of live sand I bought was unnecessary? I only need 20 to seed it?
That's what I did. I figured all that good live stuff multiplies and grows. It worked for me


Originally Posted by addicted2
very interesting rockwork! I like it!

I appreciate that. Might not be the best, but I kinda like it's a little different! Probably need some more LR, but don't know if that will happen, at least not anytime soon. The one good thing is that there are a lot of hiding places and holes to swim through that I think the fish will like when I finally start adding some. Also, I think the rock work will come to life after I add some zoas and other stuff. Not exactly certain what the plan is for corals yet. Anyway...thanks for the feed back.


Originally Posted by estein02
I appreciate that. Might not be the best, but I kinda like it's a little different! Probably need some more LR, but don't know if that will happen, at least not anytime soon. The one good thing is that there are a lot of hiding places and holes to swim through that I think the fish will like when I finally start adding some. Also, I think the rock work will come to life after I add some zoas and other stuff. Not exactly certain what the plan is for corals yet. Anyway...thanks for the feed back.
oh I think your rockwork will really show off zoos..they'll grow right up the branches..that is what I wanted and I have done...I put the zoos against my branches and they are growing to it if I could just get my Bubble tip to come out front! He's really beautiful but he found a place in the back he put his foot into and wont move for nothing!


Originally Posted by addicted2
oh I think your rockwork will really show off zoos..they'll grow right up the branches..that is what I wanted and I have done...I put the zoos against my branches and they are growing to it if I could just get my Bubble tip to come out front! He's really beautiful but he found a place in the back he put his foot into and wont move for nothing!

If I remember correctly I believe it was Maxalmon who suggested doing that. Up until that point I hadn't even considered anything other then LR, inverts and fish. I was told that I should let my tank mature some before adding the zoos to the tank. I still need to do the research to see how to add them to the tank so they will grow on the branch and how to care for them. Also need to make sure I have the correct equipment for them. I think I've done more research for this tank then I ever did throuh school. Amazing I ever got a degree