post pis of your aggressive tanks


444 view and only a couple pics....
come on guys you can do it ..lOl
it will be a fun thread :) so letz keep them coming!


Active Member
Here is a mis-match of pics...some old and some new...gotta do something to liven this thread up.
I ordered a show size Aussie Tusk, that'll be here on Wed. I'll get new pics up then.



Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Hey did you get your tank running or is it still in the garage?

Still in the garage. It'll be at least a month or two before it's back up and going. The 90gal. is what I'm running now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Titan
That Coris is a mollusk tearing monster!
I really miss my Coris, Titan. I almost got another one, today, but opted for the Aussie Tusk.
Originally Posted by martinc909

what size tank is that and how big and old is that lionfish
The tank is a 200gal. (48x30x31)...comes out to like 193gal.
The Lion, if I remember correctly, was 6 - 7 years old when I got it. I had it for close to 1.5 years before it died. He was measured, out of water, at a hair over 15".

ledzep fan

Active Member
Hey AX2x3, are all those fish in your 90 gallon?! It seems like there are a ton of fish in there and you are going to put a Harlequin Tusk in there? Seems kinda crowded dont you think? Im not trying to bash you or anything i was just wondering.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LedZep fan
Hey AX2x3, are all those fish in your 90 gallon?! It seems like there are a ton of fish in there and you are going to put a Harlequin Tusk in there? Seems kinda crowded dont you think? Im not trying to bash you or anything i was just wondering.

The pics I posted, I said "some are old and some are new".
My current stock list, on the 90gal. is my Hawaiian Dragon Moray, Whitemouth Moray and a Blue Line Grouper. I'm not that much of a newb.
It's only temp 200gal. is in the garage.
The Tusk will be placed into a 100gal. quarentine until I feel confident enough that'll successfully move into the display.


AW2x3 i just got a coris and was wondering did u have that one during it's juv. color? If u did when did it change?


Active Member
I purchased that Coris in it's adult color phase.
I'd never seen one before...I saw that one, and fell in love. It was still when I'd first started out in this hobby and saw it and thought "damn, that's a cool, colorful fish...gotta have it".
The first night in my tank, it ate over 40 small snails and hermits...just decimated everything in my tank. From that point on, I knew he was a stone cold killer.
When he died (of old age, I might add), he was 12"+ and used to pick up softball sized pieces of live rock and carry them around the tank and drop them where ever he felt like it. That was the most bad ass fish I've ever had and, keep in mind, I've had Queen Triggers and Clown Triggers. That one used to delicately eat out of my fingers but used to be beat the living day lights out of the Queen Trigger I added to the tank, when I had him. He took no grief from no one and was the first to hand out a beating, when the mood struck him.
I'll DEFINATELY have another one, some day. They require alot of rock work and a deep sand bed, as they'll completely bury themselves when they sleep of feel threatened.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squishy
here is my aggressive tank 180 corner. I have a rare cat fish in it for now. Just waiting for the sump though
thanks for making this thread. Now I can see what I want to add to my tank.


AW2X3... Please make sure to post a pic of that tusk..... I have a 90 now and although I may be pushing it I have to have one. currently I only have a gold striped maroon and sfe that came with the tank... the tusk is what I have in mind to add along with maybe a tomini tang and flame angel... that will be my total of fish. PLEASE again show apic...I miss my brother in laws aussie tusk... poor guy died when tank crashed..
Actually what could I add in replacement to the tang that you would reccomend? I love tangs but don't like how they easily stress... I am interested for some reccomendations. Thanks!


Active Member
My Tusk actually did not come in...he was supposed to be here last Wed.
I ordered him thru my friend, John, who owns a fish store. I called the wholesaler myself and placed the order and the guy promised it'd be here on Wed. The shipment came in and the only fish missing was my Tusk.
Called the guy and he gave me an "Oh, sorry...someone else must've gotten it" answer. I'm gonna try again this coming week, for another Wed. delivery.
It will be going into my 90gal, but I certainly do not think they should be put in that size tank long term. I'm only purchasing now because I have my 200gal sitting in the garage, that it'll eventually go in to. Last year, I had an Indo Tusk for about a month before it mysteriously died...was swimming, eating great, great colors, got along with the other fish...then, dead. I think it was cyanide caught, that's why I'm going for an Aussie this time.
If you were to purchase one, make sure it's on the smaller side (less than 5" - 6") and you should be fine for a while. Also, due to the reasons that I stated in my last paragraph, try your best to get an Aussie (red stripes with a blue tint), as opposed to the Indo (orange stripes with a green tint).


Thanks for the info....and yes the reason for the long would it last in a 90 before I should consider an upgrade in your opinion? My future plan is to do away with my 46 reef and simply keep an aggressive or community 180 and my sons nano... I am seeing 3 tanks is becomig quite annoying and time consuming to deal with.