post pis of your aggressive tanks


Originally Posted by Jam1e
I wouldn't keep a Porcupine puffer with a lion .. the puffers tend to nip at the lions fins
I have had both of these together for 2 yrs and they do just fine. Just keep them well feed at all times


Originally Posted by AW2x3
My Tusk actually did not come in...he was supposed to be here last Wed.
I ordered him thru my friend, John, who owns a fish store. I called the wholesaler myself and placed the order and the guy promised it'd be here on Wed. The shipment came in and the only fish missing was my Tusk.
Called the guy and he gave me an "Oh, sorry...someone else must've gotten it" answer. I'm gonna try again this coming week, for another Wed. delivery.
It will be going into my 90gal, but I certainly do not think they should be put in that size tank long term. I'm only purchasing now because I have my 200gal sitting in the garage, that it'll eventually go in to. Last year, I had an Indo Tusk for about a month before it mysteriously died...was swimming, eating great, great colors, got along with the other fish...then, dead. I think it was cyanide caught, that's why I'm going for an Aussie this time.
If you were to purchase one, make sure it's on the smaller side (less than 5" - 6") and you should be fine for a while. Also, due to the reasons that I stated in my last paragraph, try your best to get an Aussie (red stripes with a blue tint), as opposed to the Indo (orange stripes with a green tint).
I agree I had a Aussie for about 6 months and it was a cool fish. It was very colorful and got along well with my fish.