Post Pix of Dwarf Angels!

jonny bolt

I dont think you'll have much luck having 3 Angels in the same tank lol. That would be World War 3 in there. A mated pair can be had. But I have never seen a tank in person with 3 Dwarf Angels in it. My Angel doesnt bother my polyps N shrooms. But Angels will certainly bother each other. I can guarantee if you threw a few males in the same tank, they would battle to tha death


Active Member
I don't agree with that. depending on what type of angels, I don't think it would be any problem at all to keep 3 in a 250.


I've got 3 dwarf angels in my 90 and they are all getting along fine. 3 dwarf angels in a 250 would never even see each other.
The reason people have problems putting multiple tangs and angels in a tank together is normally because they introduce them in at wrong times, too soon, or won't take them away from each other when needed.
I put in my coral beauty, then my flame, then my lemonpeel. They don't even fight at feeding time anymore. If you want to see a happy tank with 3 dwarf angels, just look at the pic I posted up there. :happyfish


My intention was to introduce them all at once so there wouldn't be any territorial issues. I am looking at the same 3 you have boalgf.
I am concerned about them eating my corals though.


Active Member
Mimzy where are you from? It's says from the East Coast but where? NJ?


All at the same time is a good idea. Do you have a place (QT tank) to put one of them if they become too aggressive and need a time out? My lemonpeel picks at my green star polyps rarely, but I haven't noticed any damage to it. The others graze more on the glass and liverock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
Mimzy where are you from? It's says from the East Coast but where? NJ?
yup, NJ. but don't rub it in.


Active Member
I have a Flame and a CB in my 150g. They are hard to get a good photo of. They are four plus years old and both seems to have got more orange as they get older. Not sure if thats normal or if its just mine...


jonny bolt

Point taken. A bigger tank, like a 250g, is a big help. However I was only going by what the marine biologists say. It's a roll of the dice, a gamble. It's nice to see that someone is able to successfully have 3 Angels in a tank without a brawl, but more often than not, the outcome wont be the same. I've read and seen a few Puffers in the same tank with no probs. My friend just tried to do it and it did not work. My point was anytime you go against biology, you are taking a risk and there are NO guarantees that everyone else will have the same experience as you. Here's a good example......this quote is taken from the Lemonpeel Angel page, directly from THIS very site....
"They should not be kept with other Dwarf Angels and only one should be kept per tank."
So, I think the majority agrees that trying to go against that is a gamble.
I personally wouldnt dare try to introduce another conspecific into the tank with my Angel after seeing how it acts.


Active Member
I currently have 2 angels (a cb and flame) in a 72 gallon. the coral beauty was in there well over a year before the flame was introduces, and there have been no problems at all. they will be going into a 125 in a month or so, and I may consider a 3rd angel, I don't know.
though I wouldn't recommend it, I have actually seen a 150 gallon with 6 or 7 dwarf angels in it (including THREE flame angels). I don't know what, if any, troubles this guy had, but it's been done.
the fact is, most combinations are gambles in a glass box full of water. there is no trigger that is considered reef safe, but I have read many articles by experts that say a majority of triggers CAN be kept in a full reef tank with no problems. there are always exceptions to every rule. but what I've seen, most of the smaller angels are peaceful for the most part, so careful planning could result in an exception rather than the rule of thumb concerning them.


Broad statements like "They should not be kept with other Dwarf Angels and only one should be kept per tank." are normally aimed at newbies who need strict guidlines. A statement like that to someone with a 250 gallon tank that has some knowledge on fish is less appropriate. As long as you have the environment and know-how, rules like "One tang or Angel per tank" can be ignored.
Of course if you have a 50 gallon or didn't do research on specific dwarf angel behavior, I'd stick with one per tank.


Originally Posted by boalgf
All at the same time is a good idea. Do you have a place (QT tank) to put one of them if they become too aggressive and need a time out? My lemonpeel picks at my green star polyps rarely, but I haven't noticed any damage to it. The others graze more on the glass and liverock.
Thanks for the advice.
Yes I do have a QT tank if one needs a "time out"! :hilarious
I want a few more fish, preferable a bigger species, but I just don't want to go down the ick magnet road nor do I want something that is going to eat my corals.
The Koran in my avatar is in my FOWLR at work. I would love to put him into the 250, but I know he would eat things as he gets older.


Active Member
I have a coral beauty too...her name is Sister Mary she is...what a little show-off, huh?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
LoL, MonaLisa - u have quite a cute little fish!! ...with quite a cute little name to match :jumping:


Active Member
joker, that is a beautiful fish! I love the irridescent blue streaks... I've never seen a rusty before. cute cute! :jumping: