Post those Blennies


Active Member
Since I just got one of these cute little fish. Darn they are so cute we need to have some pics posted of the different kinds you all have out there. So please post pics of your Blennies. Here is my new Bicolor Blenny "Ben"



Active Member
Thanks everyone, nice to see such a variety of blennies. I know there is more out there so post away. They are all so cute.....



Wow, nice blennie pics. Anyone have any updated pics? Anyone own a Molly Miller?I used to have the following blennies over the years:
Molly Miller
- one of my favorites, probably the most personality of all of my blennies, well, tied with another
Hypsoblennius hentzi
- a blenny that I caught in the Chesapeake Bay, tied for most personality with the Molly Miller
Bicolor Blenny

Red Lip Blenny

Canary Blenny

I loved them all. I wish I had a pic but don't, sorry.
I've been out of the hobby for various reasons for a long time, but plan on getting back into it full force. I'm in the planning stage of my display tank, a 200+ more than likely, but as big as I think that I can afford with set up and maintenance. I'd like to get another Molly Miller again and perhaps a bicolor too. I'll be bumping this one up when I get pics in the future.
I'm planning a corner tank devoted to all blennies (Striped Blenny - Chasmodes bosquianus) with an oyster shell reef. I'd like to get a dozen of them if I can catch them. The males and females differ slightly in size, shape and coloration (coloration is drastically sharper in the males during breeding season). My hope is to eventually get them to breed. I'm envisioning a large tank to do this.
Blennie On!


My Blennies all hanging out in the same tank without any problems:Lawnmower, Bicolor, Red Sea Mimic, Tailspot, Brown??(looks like the Tailspot but without the spot)



Awesome pics Debbie and everyone! Y'all have me so stoked about this!!!!

I'm going to set up an entire tank devoted to these guys (planning stages right now).
I can catch them not far from my home. I also plan on using some of the live rock and sand from their range in my tank and fuge.
I'm considering a quarter cylinder corner tank, or perhaps a cylinder with 360 degree view. I'd like to have about 120g if possible.
The reef will be an oyster shell reef. When collecting, it's possible to come across some other species like pipefish and clingfish (also really cool fish). I did catch my Hypsoblennius hentzi in the same area once, so there is a slight chance that I could encounter another one, but very slight. They aren't very common in our region preferring waters South of us. I'd like to have species indiginous to these waters that could coexist in this type of aquarium as peacefully as possible. I've seen "colony" tanks of striped blennies before and all of the fish seem to get along just fine with little quarreling. That's my goal! If I can't keep other species in there then I'll release what doesn't fit.
I can't wait to get started. I'll be designing and planning right away. Funding will definitely come in a couple months for all of my set ups, but is an issue at the moment. I do have a digital camera and will post pics of all stages of my quest on this thread.


This is Rocket... he gets his name from being rocketted out of the pump when it cycles on/off with the wavemaker.


Originally Posted by OuchThatHu
This is Rocket... he gets his name from being rocketted out of the pump when it cycles on/off with the wavemaker.
OMG that is soooo funny!

He's a cute 'lil bugger too