Wow, nice blennie pics. Anyone have any updated pics? Anyone own a Molly Miller?I used to have the following blennies over the years:
Molly Miller - one of my favorites, probably the most personality of all of my blennies, well, tied with another
Hypsoblennius hentzi - a blenny that I caught in the Chesapeake Bay, tied for most personality with the Molly Miller
Bicolor Blenny
Red Lip Blenny
Canary Blenny
I loved them all. I wish I had a pic but don't, sorry.
I've been out of the hobby for various reasons for a long time, but plan on getting back into it full force. I'm in the planning stage of my display tank, a 200+ more than likely, but as big as I think that I can afford with set up and maintenance. I'd like to get another Molly Miller again and perhaps a bicolor too. I'll be bumping this one up when I get pics in the future.
I'm planning a corner tank devoted to all blennies (Striped Blenny - Chasmodes bosquianus) with an oyster shell reef. I'd like to get a dozen of them if I can catch them. The males and females differ slightly in size, shape and coloration (coloration is drastically sharper in the males during breeding season). My hope is to eventually get them to breed. I'm envisioning a large tank to do this.
Blennie On! :jumping: